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  1. guinea124

    Humidity Question - First time hatching eggs

    All 7 of our eggs hatched! I will post pictures as soon as I can get some decent ones. I opted not to help the one that seemed stuck. He eventually worked his worked his way out. This being the first ever hatch I had no idea what I should expect. It helps to get all the different points of view...
  2. guinea124

    Humidity Question - First time hatching eggs

    Thanks for all the replies. So far four eggs have hatched and the other three are working on it. I've read it's best to wait for them all to hatch before removing to the brooder, so I'm going to try to wait. One chick does concern me. I think he's kind of stuck between an egg and the middle of...
  3. guinea124

    Humidity Question - First time hatching eggs

    I am not sure where the humidity is at, I went ahead and added the water. Hopefully, it'll turn out okay. I'll post pictures in the March hatch-along forum when/if they hatch! Thanks!
  4. guinea124

    Humidity Question - First time hatching eggs

    We are hatching eggs for the first time, three barred rocks and three cream legbars. They are in a Brinsea Mini Advance incubator. The eggs are on Day 19, which is when we were told by the people that sold us the eggs to fill up the water compartment before going on "lockdown". When I went to...
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