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  1. aart

    My hens should be laying...but they're not!

    Haha! Yeah, I shovel part of the run too...partly to access the mesh roof in case of snow load and partially so they will get out and move around....otherwise it's looooong winter cooped up.
  2. aart

    My hens should be laying...but they're not!

    Eave ventilation is good....I was hoping those little eaves were open<thumbsup>! Some gable vents would supplement those nicely in winter. Do your birds go out in the snow?
  3. aart

    My hens should be laying...but they're not!

    It is a nice setup...I'd guess that building is maybe 10x12'? But they only have half of it, so coop is maybe 6x10'? Gonna be tight with 23 birds in there. Doesn't look like much ventilation when the door's closed....but I don't know you climate/location. Aaaaanyway, could be the light off...
  4. aart

    My hens should be laying...but they're not!

    Agrees with going back to a basics...a higher protein feed, water, oyster shells in a separate container, and nothing else. What does this mean ..." a clean, dry coop with diatomaceous earth...." How big is the coop(feet by feet)? How and how much DE are you applying?
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