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  1. Julie Birb

    Saxony Duck Thread!

    Very sweet ducks. Love.
  2. Julie Birb

    Saxony Duck Thread!

    My goodness, they are so cute. Love their webs on the terry cloth towel. Very well posed.
  3. Julie Birb

    Saxony Duck Thread!

    Precious little beings.
  4. Julie Birb

    Saxony Duck Thread!

    Oh. What are these? Well, they are saxony 'lings and they are very cute, warm, soft, fluffy and EEEEEEEEE HOOPOOSE!!!
  5. Julie Birb

    Saxony Duck Thread!

    Cuddles is a cute name.
  6. Julie Birb

    Saxony Duck Thread!

    Oh, so cute. I like that. I have no answer except to suggest you ask this question on "The Duck Thread." It gets alot of traffic. Someone's bound to know.
  7. Julie Birb

    Saxony Duck Thread!

    Oh my, another fun thread to follow. I love your saxonies. Heidi on your lap. Such a sweet little face.
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