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  • Users: Wyorp Rock
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  1. Wyorp Rock


    The photo is fine (this is the ER forums and there are lots of yucky photos). Wait until spell check gets a hold of you, you think that posting duplicates is bad LOL! How deep does the wound go, can you tell? You may need to debride that - take a warm soapy washcloth and gently scrub until it...
  2. Wyorp Rock


    Here's how to post PHOTOS :) It's good that you didn't find any more worms! Depending on the severity of the wound, just try to keep it as clean as you can and apply triple antibiotic ointment or Vetericyn.
  3. Wyorp Rock


    @Su964HR Welcome To BYC If you have photos you would like to share that would be good. I agree with @casportpony is you are seeing maggots those need to be taken care of asap. Epsom salts will be fine - make sure if there are maggots in a wound to pick them all out even if you have to use...
  4. Wyorp Rock


    If she is dehydrated, then definitely push fluids. A probiotic may help since she's been on antibiotics so long. If she won't "drink" then maybe you can mix some yogurt or vitamin water into her feed to make a wet mash, that will at least get some fluids into her. Also a little watermelon or...
  5. Wyorp Rock


    Oyster shell is different from grit. Oyster shell is a soluble form of calcium while grit is usually made of crushed granite and is kept in the gizzard to help grind up foods. If she is eating anything besides her layer feed/crumbles then she may need some grit to help process that food. I'm...
  6. Wyorp Rock


    Do you still have her separated? If so are you providing any grit for her? How long did the vet say to give the antibiotic? Has the wound healed up all the way or is it still a bit "iffy"? Since she is not active, she may be having some crop issues. Here is a great article on different crop...
  7. Wyorp Rock


    Thanks for the update! I hope she continues to improve. Please do keep us posted Have you tried some wet feed? Mix some of her feed with a little water, then you can add a few other things that she may like (tuna, egg, a little chopped apple?). Mine think they will just die if they don't get...
  8. Wyorp Rock


    It can go really fast. You did well! I do hope she recovers, she is getting very good care. First time I saw a post on something similar, I though, ugggh...don't want that. I try to keep a watch on everyone's bum, but you can miss things, so don't beat yourself up. I have a couple of girls who...
  9. Wyorp Rock


    Glad to hear you were able to have her seen. Keep us posted.
  10. Wyorp Rock


    I'm sorry. You are doing the best you can. Try to get her to drink, dehydration can make her weaker. If she won't drink you can try dropping the fluids beside her beak. She probably won't take the first couple of drops, but I've found once the beak is moistened they will usually take in a bit...
  11. Wyorp Rock


    It crossed my mind when you mentioned they were all around her vent. Flystrike can happen fairly quickly especially in hot weather. So don't beat yourself up. You can do this You can soak her in Epsom salts, salt water, betadine, or soap and water in a warm bath, Look for the maggots and get...
  12. Wyorp Rock


    Yes, you may want to clean her up. Give her a good soak in a warm epsom salt solution. If her bum is poopy wash her with a little soapy water first (a drop or two of dish soap is fine). Then give her a soak in some epsom salt water. Check her vent and surrounding tissue for any signs of wounds...
  13. Wyorp Rock


    If one has them, then most likely they all do. Identifying what type of worm it is can be helpful in determining which wormer to use, hopefully the link I have provided will help to identify what you see, if not you can take a sample to your vet to have a fecal float performed to confirm...
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