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  1. CluckJunkie

    Texas newbie

    Whew! That's a relief. Dirt bathe? Why do they do that? Don't they water bathe like other birds? Chickens sure are odd
  2. CluckJunkie

    Texas newbie

    Okay, so I just found my chicken laying on her side with her feet up! I thought, "Oh no! She's dead!" But then my hubby reached down to pick her up and she rolled over, stood up and looked at us like, "What?! Is something wrong?" She seems fine and is walking around like it was no big deal. Is...
  3. CluckJunkie

    Texas newbie

    I have built a coop for her large enough to accommodate at least 5 more chickens and there's a few acres of on which to roam.
  4. CluckJunkie

    Texas newbie

    I haven't seen any eggs yet. She doesn't like the chicken feed I received from a friend of mine...not dry at least. She will eat it if it's wet with watermelon water. Looks like I will have to wait on the rooster. Thank you! P.s. Her name is Lucky Lady but, I call her Waldo because you never...
  5. CluckJunkie

    Texas newbie

    I'm in Gilmer. It's a little po-dunk town near Longview.
  6. CluckJunkie

    Texas newbie

    Well...I have been offered a rooster. Got any advice?
  7. CluckJunkie

    Texas newbie

    @BantamFan4Life Thank you for being here. I'd be lost without this community.
  8. CluckJunkie

    Texas newbie

    Thank you so much for the heads up. I'm sure I'd have freaked out otherwise. I know nature is not always kind, but it's good to be forewarned.
  9. CluckJunkie

    Texas newbie

    Really?! I never thought people would be willing to just give away chickens! I'm gonna put the word out ASAP! Thank you so much for answering my prayer & acting as an instrument of God's hands! I'll let you know what happens
  10. CluckJunkie

    Texas newbie

    Yes, we are looking into finding some "fowl" friends to keep her cpmpany. They will more likely be chicks, though, and will have to stay separated until they grow. At what age can they be integrated? Do they need to be the same breed? What if she doesn't like her step-sisters? Lol! **CJ**
  11. CluckJunkie

    Texas newbie

    Hi Justin! Thank you so much for all the links! I had no idea there was such a helpful community of "fowl friends" to guide me in my new adventure. God always provides my needs! **CJ**
  12. CluckJunkie

    Texas newbie

    Hi Harley! Thanks for the advice. I have found myself cluck-sitting this chicken more than I hand anticipated. She is the sweetest thing! I had no idea she would follow me around like a puppy & come when I call her. Lol! I definitely need an area I feel she will be protected when I can't be...
  13. CluckJunkie

    Texas newbie

    Hey y'all! I'm very new to this whole chicken raisin' fact it happened by the will of God I suppose. My hubby & I have talked for years about wanting to raise chickens, but never did much about it. We didn't feel the timing was ever right. We recently moved to a new property, so I...
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