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  1. Lil Peeps

    Black Austrolorp Breed Club and Discussion

    I hope it goes well for you!!! Yes, please keep me updated, I would love to know!
  2. Lil Peeps

    Black Austrolorp Breed Club and Discussion

    It sounds like from your description of the membrane part that you need more moisture in the egg. Maybe your flock needs more water. In the summer it is beneficial to change out your chickens old, hot water for fresh, cool water several times a day, chickens like cool water on a hot day just...
  3. Lil Peeps

    Black Austrolorp Breed Club and Discussion

    Of course! I hope so for you, too!
  4. Lil Peeps

    Black Austrolorp Breed Club and Discussion

    My neighbors BAs are broody all the time! More often than not.
  5. Lil Peeps

    Black Austrolorp Breed Club and Discussion

    Me, too! BYC is so awesome! I'm also so glad I'm not the only chicken lover! With BYC I have a place where I can brag about my cute little chickens without people thinking I'm crazy! Lol That is so adorable and funny! I'm glad they are settling right in to their new home!
  6. Lil Peeps

    Black Austrolorp Breed Club and Discussion

    Aw, thanks! You are really sweet! I really appreciate the compliments! Please just excuse the part of my post where I said 'the paint Silkie I had been posting pictures of.' That was on another thread and I mixed up which one I had posted the pictures on. So sorry about that! I had posted...
  7. Lil Peeps

    Black Austrolorp Breed Club and Discussion

    I forgot to thank you for the complement for Sweet Pea, thanks for that! Aw, that is so sad. I lost my paint Silkie I had posted pictures of because one of our neighbors let their dogs out without a leash and while I was at church they came and killed her! I miss her so much! That is so...
  8. Lil Peeps

    Black Austrolorp Breed Club and Discussion

    Lol, yep, I hatched her . She is such cutie! So is Chess! Did you hatch her?
  9. Lil Peeps

    Black Austrolorp Breed Club and Discussion

    Aw! I love her dark-colored eyes! They are so beautiful!!! She is such a cutie! And also an adorable little character!
  10. Lil Peeps

    Black Austrolorp Breed Club and Discussion

    Aw, thanks! No kidding they do, this is a picture of her ( still hopefully her ) now.... Sweet Pea - Here are a few more, just cuz she's cute! Lol -
  11. Lil Peeps

    Black Austrolorp Breed Club and Discussion

    Aw! Do you know the exact date her birthday is? It's so cool that you celebrate your chickens birthdays, I celebrate my chickie girls birthdays, too! I don't know what else to give them but food so I give them a lot of extra treats and attention on their birthdays.
  12. Lil Peeps

    Black Austrolorp Breed Club and Discussion

    Aw! Happy early birthday, Chess!
  13. Lil Peeps

    Black Austrolorp Breed Club and Discussion

    Wow! She is beautiful! And so cute! She looks just like an Australorp hen, she's so perfect!
  14. Lil Peeps

    Black Austrolorp Breed Club and Discussion

    Aw! I bet! Do you have a picture of her you could post? I'd love to see her!
  15. Lil Peeps

    Black Austrolorp Breed Club and Discussion

    Aw! She sounds so cute!!!
  16. Lil Peeps

    Black Austrolorp Breed Club and Discussion

    Lol, thanks! And of course! Yes, she kind of does!
  17. Lil Peeps

    Black Austrolorp Breed Club and Discussion

    Awesome article! So interesting! Lol, I'd like to brag about my BA, Sweet Pea. I ordered hatching eggs and one of the eggs came cracked. I sealed it with candle wax hoping for the best, and it hatched! So this is my special little girl ( hopefully ) she's four weeks old. Sweet Pea ~
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