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  1. Bocktobery 10

    In need of desperate help!

    So glad to hear this! Sorry I lagged in responses- I am dealing with a sick chick currently. (not going so well) Thank you also for the updates... it totally helps people who do searches. I can't tell you the number of times I found on these message boards, after doing a search...
  2. Bocktobery 10

    In need of desperate help!

    Oh I wanted to mention, the hen that isn't recovering so quickly... you might want to start her on an antibiotic? Which one, I have no idea, but its possible to get secondary infections from what the cocci did to her insides. That's just my guess. The Corid will get rid of the pathogen, but...
  3. Bocktobery 10

    In need of desperate help!

    rocknchickenfam- I second what chickcrack said here about the epsom salts... It does sound like the Corid is working- it does work fast. I noticed an improvement in my flock by the second day. I'm not sure you should be withholding the corrid treatment though... that's kind of...
  4. Bocktobery 10

    In need of desperate help!

    I'm so sorry you are going through this. I do not think I can help but have questions for you anyway (I'm trying) ... I'm sorry to say I'm not sure what to make of the problem there, but going by what you wrote, it sounds like sour crop to me. I have read here- and never tried...
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