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  1. silkiechicken

    Buthchering Question

    Personally I've never used the chopping method. I just hold them and cut their heads off from the throat side. But the chopping method works well for others. Good luck!
  2. silkiechicken

    Buthchering Question

    For the bleeding out part, if you are doing a large number. I reccomend after head off, tie feet together and have a board ready and hang them up by their feet. Otherwise you lose like 5 min holding each upside down. Then for skinning, take it off like a jacket and go ahead and remove the last...
  3. silkiechicken

    Buthchering Question

    If you are going to stew pot them all... well, you could wait even longer to butcher! But, really, just pick a few up and ask them if they feel meaty or not :p I would just go with a size of bird you think is worth your time butchering and just go for it. I suggest butchering and cleaning them...
  4. silkiechicken

    Buthchering Question

    Personally I don't eat birds that croak on their own because then you risk the bird starting to rot inside... and that icky gut flavor spoiling the meat. In addition, if it dies by it's self, you can't be sure what killed it exactly, although, for a Cornish, probably heat stroke or heart...
  5. silkiechicken

    Buthchering Question

    Quote: Oh, you can butcher them early, it's just that they won't have very much meat. Nothing will compare to the cornish x's so just be fore warned. I just think it's alot of work for a small amount of meat if you butcher them young. As for the freezing of chicken, I just clean them and...
  6. silkiechicken

    Buthchering Question

    For thoes birds, wait for 14-18 weeks to get any appreciable amount of meat on them and be sure to age them at least over night. As for salt water, I would think either way would work.
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