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  1. tha5150

    Possible roosters?

    So when purchasing chicks, is buying sexlinked / online the more normal thing to do? I wouldn't know where to look, locally, for just a few. Online seems you have to buy 20 to have them ship to you. Would be nice to find somewhere to buy only 3 or so and have them shipped. We already have 12. We...
  2. tha5150

    Possible roosters?

    We are getting some of our friends Black Austrolops and another Buff. Going to get rid of the roosters. What stinks most is that we incubated 7 of our eggs and only the Barred Rock made it and this is one of the roosters. Oh well I guess.
  3. tha5150

    Possible roosters?

    ok, im seeing an unfortunate pattern with the sex..dangit!!! here is a link to the whole flock, just fyi.. I took these all this morning <iframe src="" width="165" height="128"...
  4. tha5150

    Possible roosters?

    Why? The irodecent feathers? Curious how your making your decision. Why the white one? Sattle feathers pointing down? We aren't good with the comb stuff yet And thank you for your response!
  5. tha5150

    Possible roosters?

    We are seeing some iridescent green feathers on all but the white one. Forgot to mention that in the previous post
  6. tha5150

    Possible roosters?

    Barred Rock, brown one and the white one (not sure what breed). Thinking they are roosters due to the sattle feathers. They are barely 3 months. Please excuse the horrible photos. Hoping we don't have roosters since we had to get rid of the other two.
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