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  1. iam4hymn

    Black Copper Marans question

    They are eating normal 16% layer crumbles but most of my flock is molting at the minute, so can I boost them up to a non medicated chick feed for a few weeks?
  2. iam4hymn

    Black Copper Marans question

    What Marans forum are you referring to?
  3. iam4hymn

    Black Copper Marans question

    They are almost 1 year old in October so they are not old. And I know which eggs are theirs and they just don't lay many.
  4. iam4hymn

    Black Copper Marans question

    I have two BCM hens along with the rest of my flock. The BCMs are terrible layers. I am lucky if I get 5 eggs a week total from those two. Is this typical for Black Copper Marans or are mine just duds?
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