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  1. Folly's place

    Permethrin spray

    We've used 15 ml. per half gallon water, especially on the coop walls, and some on the birds. Total volume per bird, we aren't saturating every inch of each bird either. Wear that N95 face mask, long sleeves and pants, gloves, and shower and wash everything when you are done. No cats in the...
  2. Folly's place

    Permethrin spray

    It's fine for the coop and the birds both. Follow the directions for each! Mary
  3. Folly's place

    Permethrin spray

    There's no egg withdrawal after permethrin treatment here in the USA. Mary
  4. Folly's place

    Permethrin spray

    Small whitish moving specks are lice, and very tiny moving dark colored specks are mites. Neither are good for your birds! Wild songbirds are the main vectors for both, at least in a closed flock like mine. Miserable! Mary
  5. Folly's place

    Permethrin spray

    Here we only treat inside our roofed coop/ run combination. We don't treat the outdoors at all! Mary
  6. Folly's place

    Permethrin spray

    There should be directions in the packaging if it's a product labeled for poultry, including how to dilute it, and how much to apply per bird. With the Gordon's, at least, spritzing lightly does well, as long as it gets to skin. saturating every inch of the bird would be more than the...
  7. Folly's place

    Permethrin spray

    The last thing I'd want here is to aerosol DE! And colloidal silver, no. Mary
  8. Folly's place

    Permethrin spray

    @Waves , I have no idea. here it's not difficult to buy permethrin labeled for livestock, including poultry, and it works well. other combination products are NOT labeled for poultry here, and if the stuff you found isn't labeled for poultry, i guess it's 'use at your own risk'. You may be...
  9. Folly's place

    Permethrin spray

    Fipronil isn't approved for any food animal species, almost or actually everywhere. What's fine to use on pets is not the same as using it on livestock! It does appear in egg yolks if hens are treated with it. And, studies on mammals don't necessarily apply to avian species at all. Mary
  10. Folly's place

    Permethrin spray

    In the UK other products may be available, and approved for use on poultry, or not. Check before you use it! If this product isn't labeled for this use, look further. It would not be okay to use in the USA. Mary
  11. Folly's place

    Permethrin spray

    Permethrin dust is much harder to apply to the birds, and won't get into the nooks and cracks in the coop walls as well as the spray does. I do use the dust sometimes on the coop floor before adding fresh bedding during coop cleanout. That's only two times each year, generally. DE is useless...
  12. Folly's place

    Permethrin spray

    Mine aged out in a cabinet inside my house, in the dark, at room temperature. I can't believe it would do well either frozen or overheated in the sun. Spinosad will work fine, and be way more expensive. I'll wait until permethrin really fails here before buying it. Mary
  13. Folly's place

    Permethrin spray

    Welcome! once you dilute it into your sprayer, it lasts maybe a week. ALSO, that little bottle of concentrate will age out. Mine darkened in color after two years in a cabinet, and was much less effective. I bought new this summer, and it's working fine. I called Gordon's help line, and the...
  14. Folly's place

    Permethrin spray

    :thumbsup :wee :love Mary
  15. Folly's place

    Permethrin spray

    Thanks, George, even if delayed. Mary
  16. Folly's place

    Permethrin spray

    Exactly! Mary
  17. Folly's place

    Permethrin spray

    Broody hens can die of mite infestations while on the nest, but you hate to disturb her too much either. You could dust or spray her lightly on the nest at night, or get lucky and get her when she's off the nest during the day. Mary
  18. Folly's place

    Permethrin spray

    Tonight I checked the birds after dark, and no mites seen! Maybe the new spray?! We also cleaned out the bedding, and used permethrin powder on the floor under the new shavings. It's been cold to spray them again, so it hasn't happened. Mary
  19. Folly's place

    Permethrin spray

    I know, but generally don't want to chase after the rooster during the day. He gets checked when roosting, so that's why the questionable ID. Mary
  20. Folly's place

    Permethrin spray

    Which mites? I'm not sure, haven't looked at them with magnification yet. Rotten tiny fast moving critters, dark brown/red in color. Yuck! Mary
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