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  1. junebuggena

    Stopped laying, HELP!!!

    If she's been broody for about 2 weeks, she will likely accept chicks. If she hasn't been broody long enough, it's a real gamble. If you want to break her, the cage needs to have a wire floor, and it needs to be up off the ground.
  2. junebuggena

    Stopped laying, HELP!!!

    Could be too many extras. Treats should not be more than 10% of the daily diet. Too much corn or scraps can cut into the protein intake. Without enough protein, they can't produce eggs.
  3. junebuggena

    Stopped laying, HELP!!!

    If one is sitting in the nest box 24/7, she's broody. Could the other be molting? Has there been any possible stress? Could there be a hidden nest somewhere? Have you been feeding a lot of treats? Sudden change in temperature?
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