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  1. BunnynChicks

    You might be a redneck if... for laughs share your critter story that fits

    I I am way to used to spelling beaks... :th almost all of my spelling errors have some part of poultry anatomy in it... :rolleyes:
  2. BunnynChicks

    You might be a redneck if... for laughs share your critter story that fits

    If you slam on your breaks and pull over to the side of the road just to run back and get a bungee cord lying in the road... luckily there was no other traffic (not that there ever is hereabouts).
  3. BunnynChicks

    You might be a redneck if... for laughs share your critter story that fits

    Awww I want a pic......or it didn't happen!
  4. BunnynChicks

    You might be a redneck if... for laughs share your critter story that fits

    if you sit by the chicken water until you can't feel your fingers just so your bantam can get a drink with warm feet.
  5. BunnynChicks

    You might be a redneck if... for laughs share your critter story that fits

    @daxigait you might want to take another look at the title of the thread: You might be a read neck if...
  6. BunnynChicks

    You might be a redneck if... for laughs share your critter story that fits

    When you have to run into your house multiple times before you can leave because you forgot to check all your pockets for eggs and you keep finding more.
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