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  1. TwoCrows

    Advice/Help Needed - Bright Green Poop

    The thing about Internal Laying is that antibiotics will help them at first and even a couple of treatments they can continue to heal, but eventually since you can't stop the yolks, the E.coli infections get the best of the bird and no medication can save them. Other than having the ovaries...
  2. TwoCrows

    Advice/Help Needed - Bright Green Poop

    I am sorry your hen is still suffering. And I am not sure what could be wrong at this point. Although I had a hen with a very hard abdomen too, I never did figure out why it was so hard, but she was sick at the time and passed on a few months later. I THINK it could be internal laying, the...
  3. TwoCrows

    Advice/Help Needed - Bright Green Poop

    Great!! Keep us posted and I sure hope your hen heals soon! :-) I know it hurts to watch them suffer. My girl is healing well and should be off meds soon.
  4. TwoCrows

    Advice/Help Needed - Bright Green Poop

    You might try the monistat for now, it can't hurt. I have cured up many simple sour crops with vaginal cream. 1ml 3 times a day for 5 or so days. Apple Cider Vinegar is wonderful for basically pickling the intestinal tract and pathogens can't live in there, however ACV does go in as a sour and...
  5. TwoCrows

    Advice/Help Needed - Bright Green Poop

    Birds with intestinal distress tend to drink a lot of water. I would let her decide how much water she wants and wouldn't limit her. She will stop drinking when she is full, even if it does come back up. I am not sure if they test for Cocci or not with these fecal tests as Cocci is not a worm...
  6. TwoCrows

    Advice/Help Needed - Bright Green Poop

    And now that I think about this, you mentioned using antibiotics and now her crop is now slow? This is classic yeast infection. Yeasts grow out of control when antibiotics are used. I am definitely leaning toward yeast infection now.
  7. TwoCrows

    Advice/Help Needed - Bright Green Poop

    Oh and if the vet did not test of Cocci, have that done because Cocci is famous for blocking up the crop and causing green poop too. You would then definitely want to get her on Corid. I have heard, though I am not sure, that Copper Sulfate will also kill off a few species of Coccidiosis as...
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