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  1. tarahharlin

    Advice/Help Needed - Bright Green Poop

    Quote: She was just on antibiotics over Christmas. They had given her Clavamox, which I believe is Amoxicillin. I'm assuming the antibiotic cleared up any infection she may have had, but it also made her sick and caused the yeast infection, which caused her crop to back up. That is when you...
  2. tarahharlin

    Advice/Help Needed - Bright Green Poop

    Quote: Your hen that had the hard abdomen...did you have to have it drained?
  3. tarahharlin

    Advice/Help Needed - Bright Green Poop

    Quote: We do have avian vets in the area and I took in her in Dec. when she had that lime green poop. I was worried at the time that she had some sort of bacterial infection. He really thought she had some reproductive issues, but couldn't verify that unless we did xrays and blood work. I was...
  4. tarahharlin

    Advice/Help Needed - Bright Green Poop

    So, my girl still has the milky poop and I did get a picture of one from yesterday evening. I am really thinking that it all has something to do with laying because she had been doing great and everything seemed normal until a short time after she started back up laying. Something is obviously...
  5. tarahharlin

    Advice/Help Needed - Bright Green Poop

    That is really good to know, so hopefully it's the same thing with her. At the moment, I do have the Manna Pro Performance pellets, so I'll start adding those until I pick up some of the Omega Egg Maker. Thanks again for all the wonderful advice!
  6. tarahharlin

    Advice/Help Needed - Bright Green Poop

    Thanks you so much! Me too! I was a little nervous when she started laying again, since the vet originally thought that this all stemmed from a laying/reproductive issue, but I guess there's not much I can do about that. Since, she started laying again though, I saw a couple of poops last...
  7. tarahharlin

    Advice/Help Needed - Bright Green Poop

    I have been using the Probios powder for the past few years now. I'm not sure if there's something better out there, but our local feed store carries this and it is relatively inexpensive. I put it in their water and they love it! Even our dogs love it! I have been using the Probios powder for...
  8. tarahharlin

    Advice/Help Needed - Bright Green Poop

    Hi! I just thought I should update this and give the outcome of Miss Henny Penny. The Monistat started working on her crop right after the first treatment and I continued with the full treatment, which cleared it up. While she was drinking quite a bit on her own, I was still very worried about...
  9. tarahharlin

    Advice/Help Needed - Bright Green Poop

    Just giving an update....So, she ended up getting one treatment of the Monistat yesterday and byesterday evening, her crop was so full that anytime she leaned forward, she'd vomit some liquid. We were planning on having to vomit her in the morning, but when I checked her crop before going to...
  10. tarahharlin

    Advice/Help Needed - Bright Green Poop

    I ordered the ACS and it actually shipped today; however, in the meantime, I went and picked up some Monistat and have given her one treatment so far. Good to know on the ACV. I normally alternate between that and the Probios powder in their water, but I wasn't sure the ACV was okay to give her...
  11. tarahharlin

    Advice/Help Needed - Bright Green Poop

    I actually just took her outside with me, since it's a nice sunny day and while she was pecking around some, she vomited herself a couple times. I don't know if that made her feel a little better, or what because I put her scrambled eggs that she wouldn't touch this morning in front of her and...
  12. tarahharlin

    Advice/Help Needed - Bright Green Poop

    Thanks...I hate seeing her this sick. I feel so helpless and plus, this is our really first sick chicken. I don't know for sure on the fecal testing for cocci, but I am assuming so, since any of the times I have had a fecal test done, everyone has checked for that. I did express my concern to...
  13. tarahharlin

    Advice/Help Needed - Bright Green Poop

    Hi @TwoCrows - I have a RIR that has been sick since last Friday evening. As of this point, she is not well despite giving her antibiotics. She hasn't been eating on her own, so we were syringing her some food. On Wednesday, she chugged a lot of water all day, which resulted in a huge watery...
  14. tarahharlin

    Advice/Help Needed - Bright Green Poop

    Sorry to hear about your RIR. I initially brought my girl in because she seemed really off and the bright green poop she was passing. I wasn't sure if she had something that could be passed to the others. If you think your girl seems unwell, you might want to bring her in just to monitor her...
  15. tarahharlin

    Advice/Help Needed - Bright Green Poop

    Thanks for replying to me and I apologize for the delayed update. On Monday, I ended up bringing her into the vet because I was so worried about her. Her fecal test came back negative and the vet said the bright green poop was bile. Her crop hadn't emptied that morning either and was basically...
  16. tarahharlin

    Advice/Help Needed - Bright Green Poop

    This poop is from my 2 1/2 year old RIR. Just a few days ago, she was completely fine and it wasn't until Friday afternoon that I noticed something going on with her. Here's a little history.... Friday afternoon, I noticed she seemed a little off and didn't come running when I scattered some...
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