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  1. Earl Medcalf

    Record Keeping

    When I saw your original description of data to be collected, it reminded me of what we do only once every two weeks; usually we have three or more people collecting the data. If you have to walk around writing, either your walking or your data is going going to get sloppy.
  2. Earl Medcalf

    Record Keeping

    Have you setup your data sheet and actually gone out to collect the data you are wanting. I collect data daily with things not chicken. It is easy to attempt collecting more data than you can accumulate in the field and to process into something you can make sense of. I would baby step it...
  3. Earl Medcalf

    Record Keeping

    You are going to need a way to determine which bird laid a given egg. The approach I would use stresses bird a bit impacting number of eggs produced and is pricey. Look up "trap nest". Egg color can get you around some of this but better egg producers will likely produce light brown or...
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