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  1. Nimueh Alene

    Dry incubation.

    Only five left. The rest died for some reason unknown to me. Legs were odd, toes curled. Old eggs? Incubator was sanitized, temps were right on. Air cells looked fine at lock down. 100% hatch rate but only 50% survival rate.
  2. Nimueh Alene

    Dry incubation.

    They're all here. All 12 zipped and are in the incubator at various stages of drying off. Crele orphintons are going in as soon as the incubator is sterilized and ready to go.
  3. Nimueh Alene

    Dry incubation.

    UPDATE! Baby Salomon Faverolles number 1 just made its appearance a minute ago. 5 more have pipped and the rest are rocking and rolling. Hoping for a 100% hatch!
  4. Nimueh Alene

    Dry incubation.

    I'm on day 7 with 12 of 17 shipped Salmon Faverolles eggs showing veins. 3 were clear and 2 had blood rings. The eggs spent 5 days traveling and where about 8 days old going in the incubator. I did not let them stand 24 hours because of their age. I did not engage the egg turner until day 3...
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