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  1. Welshies

    To insulate or to not insulate

    We are northern Alberta, of course, but we insulated the whole coop with pink fiberglass insulation. covered with a vapor barrior. At the front we have a 6" ventilation (uncloseable, unlike the back) slit all the way across, covered with 1/2" hardware cloth.
  2. Welshies

    To insulate or to not insulate

    One of the main reasons I want Wyandottes is their looks AND color variations; when I had ducks, I loved breeding for color. However, I've also heard they're cold hardy, and lay decently well for a slightly heavier breed, as well as making a dual purpose breed. Which is why I have decided they...
  3. Welshies

    To insulate or to not insulate

    Starting with 15 chicks. Who knows how many I'll have in the end. A good cold-hardy breed too. Does the deep litter method affect warmth in the coop at all?
  4. Welshies

    To insulate or to not insulate

    I decided against Chanteclers. I have another thread on breeds, but I REALLY want Wyandottes. And as for Easter Eggers, I wasn't sure if they were good dual purpose or layer-only birds.
  5. Welshies

    To insulate or to not insulate

    So we live in Northern Alberta, it's average -15°C to -20°c during winter, can get down to -40°C occasionally (not so much anymore... winters have been much warmer lately. We have only had one -30°c day this year.) The coop is 6'x8' ,7' tall at the front, 6' tall at the back. At the top of each...
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