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  1. ShaneM

    First time incubating

    Well here's the results. I started with 32 eggs. Day 10 candle found 4 that weren't growing. Shut the incubator off today on day 24 and have 8 that didn't hatch. So about a 66% hatch. Guess not bad for first time with travelled eggs
  2. ShaneM

    First time incubating

    Yes mine was the same but my humidity was off by about 6. I also found it hard to get to temp so I put it in the styrofoam it was shipped it and worked much better. But I'm in Canada and it's winter time lol. Good luck and let me know how yours goes
  3. ShaneM

    First time incubating

    Yes I've taken 16 out 20 have hatched plus this one that still trying
  4. ShaneM

    First time incubating

    HELP!!!! So it's been going ok but I just lost a chick. Peeped last night so I left it still nothing more this afternoon and now it's dead. I have one more that's been about the same time. It's still moving and chirping though. But don't want to loose it as well. What should I do?
  5. ShaneM

    First time incubating

    Haha yes sorry was getting ahead of my self there. Yes the brooder is all set up heat lamp has been on for a day warming up. Hoping they all hatch before I open the bator to get the couple that hatched last night out
  6. ShaneM

    First time incubating

    Ok thanks. Ya I haven't opened the brooder up I read that part to leave them at least a day. And I had the humidity around 65 and it's now shot up to about 76-77. Thanks for the info. This is all new and I'm liking it so far
  7. ShaneM

    First time incubating

    Is it normal for the humidity to rise so much when they hatch? It's gone up about 11%
  8. ShaneM

    First time incubating

    I put 2 dozen am in and 1 dozen mix of polish and am. I had 5 am not even start to develop. Last time I looked I had about 6 or 7 eggs with a little chip out of them. This one is pushing them all over the place though is that going to be a problem?
  9. ShaneM

    First time incubating

    Thanks. I bought them off a farmer about 2 hrs away from my place. I'm in Canada
  10. ShaneM

    First time incubating

    Success!!! My first Americuna just hatched and is being a noisy little thing :). This is so much better then buying day old chicks haha
  11. ShaneM

    First time incubating

    So I did some candle lighting today and I can see vains inside the eggs. Out of 3 dozen I found 4 that didn't look good so I cracked them open and nothing was growing. Now I have one that I'm not sure about. I think it was growing but stopped. There's dark blotchy spot about centre of the egg...
  12. ShaneM

    First time incubating

    Yes they are in there already. On day 5. I put the styrofoam around it today and almost instantly it went went back up to temp and hasn't left :). Also another question for candle lighting the eggs, because they are blue will I still be able to see through them? Or should I wait a bit longer...
  13. ShaneM

    First time incubating

    Ok thanks. I kind of figured that is what I should do. Now that being said I'm in Canada so it's chilly out right now and even with the heat on in the house the temp seems to drop down to about 97-98 at night. Should I put the styrofoam it was packaged in back around the bottom to try and help...
  14. ShaneM

    First time incubating

    Hello everyone. So this is my first time incubating eggs. I have decided to go with some americanuas. I had bought some as chicks 2 years ago but sadly lost them to a raccoon :(. So I found someone not far from home selling eggs this year so decided to give it a shot. I ordered an incubator off...
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