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  1. OC Chick

    Chicken Owning Criticism Vent

    @Louise Waffles sorry for my delayed response, it's been a crazy week with the storm we had here and trying to repair the havoc wreaked in my backyard. Thank you for the gardening tips! I will check into Westwind seeds. I would love to have a broody hatch some eggs, but unfortunately I am at my...
  2. OC Chick

    Chicken Owning Criticism Vent

    @ejcrist You are not babbling at all! THANK YOU so much for the wealth of information. You have given me a strong starting point for resources and where to go. Feeling the Valentines Chicken Keeper Love!!! You are AMAZING!!!!
  3. OC Chick

    Chicken Owning Criticism Vent

    @BobDBirdDog Your responses are HILARIOUS! I definitely am over sensitive! LOL! I need to grow some thicker chicken skin for sure.
  4. OC Chick

    Chicken Owning Criticism Vent

    @Louise Waffles Love the rant! Rants come when I've had it up to here and need to blow off steam (the night I started the thread). You are doing great! I love my birds too. I'm curious to see how I will be once they stop laying (for now I'm waiting for them to start laying lol 19 weeks and...
  5. OC Chick

    Chicken Owning Criticism Vent

    Thanks, BYC910!
  6. OC Chick

    Chicken Owning Criticism Vent

    Thanks, Adalida! Your post is greatly appreciated! I feel your chicken love from Montana to Southern California!
  7. OC Chick

    Chicken Owning Criticism Vent

    Okay, this is a vent session (I hope those are allowed on here). Ever since I got my chicks I am constantly fending off criticism from family & friends about owning backyard chickens. While I honestly don't care what others opinions of my choice to raise chickens are, I'm getting pretty tired of...
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