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  1. Wyorp Rock

    Cracked beak/Chicken Trance

    If she were mine I would leave it be for the time being and just give her mainly soft(er) foods (wet chick starter, hard boiled egg for treats, etc.). The tip that's broken may fall off on it's own. When it does, then you could file the other side to smooth it out some. She is young, so her...
  2. Wyorp Rock

    Cracked beak/Chicken Trance

    Is it split up the middle as well? Poor dear. If she is having a hard time eating/drinking try putting her water and food in deeper bowls/dishes. You can also make her chick starter/grower into a wet mash - this may be easier to scoop instead of having to peck at dry crumbles.
  3. Wyorp Rock

    Cracked beak/Chicken Trance

    Hi Welcome To BYC Can you post some photos of the cracked beak? Can you give more information on the the chicken textbook that you have - name of book, website link, etc.? It depends on how severe the beak is cracked, broken or damaged if it needs to be repaired or left alone. I have never...
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