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  1. bvill01

    Hen pecking rooster

    Hen scratch, laying pellets,oyster shells and feather fixer and a couple of tablespoons of can dog food what could I be missing
  2. bvill01

    Hen pecking rooster

    I will separate tonight should set a cage next to his so they can see one another or keep them from seeing one another?
  3. bvill01

    Hen pecking rooster

    Ok today she layed her 1st egg but I noticed when he goes to to top her she runs away so maybe you all are right she thinks he's to young for her
  4. bvill01

    Hen pecking rooster

    If I separate how long should I wait to put them together again ?
  5. bvill01

    Hen pecking rooster

    The rooster is about 9months and the is 2 years old.
  6. bvill01

    Hen pecking rooster

    As of now I only have the hen and the rooster in a pen and she plucked a lot of feathers all take her out and isolate her how many days should I keep her by her self ?
  7. bvill01

    Hen pecking rooster

    Can someone help hen has pecked most my roosters heckel feathers in I've already put no peck lotion not sure what more to do !!
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