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  1. speckledhen

    Hector's World: Adventures and Mayhem at Mountain View Poultry (or Sequel to The Evolution of Atlas

    Something is wrong with Maddie. She's lethargic, doesn't struggle when I pick her up, not like herself at all. She's been off for a couple of days. She's 5 years old now and she and her mother, Jill, are the only ones of Hector's entire line, including Maddie's sister, Jane, who are still alive...
  2. speckledhen

    Hector's World: Adventures and Mayhem at Mountain View Poultry (or Sequel to The Evolution of Atlas

    I was hoping he'd come back to you, Mary. Such a bummer. My husband is dreading the day when Finn goes out the door and doesn't return, though we try to keep him inside most days or at least when it's dusky. He is so attached to that cat and vice versa. Some definitely are special. Though I...
  3. speckledhen

    Hector's World: Adventures and Mayhem at Mountain View Poultry (or Sequel to The Evolution of Atlas

    I'm sure that Hector would love having the best memorial stone on the hill, too. He'd feel he deserved it, LOL. And he does. Thank you again.
  4. speckledhen

    Hector's World: Adventures and Mayhem at Mountain View Poultry (or Sequel to The Evolution of Atlas

    I received such a special gift today. First special gift was the box of hatching eggs that gave me (and the Hector fans here) my gorgeous, smart rooster-thank you @1muttsfan. Today, the box that came in the mail held this thoughtful gift. Thank you, Cheryl @getaclue for caring about Hector and...
  5. speckledhen

    Hector's World: Adventures and Mayhem at Mountain View Poultry (or Sequel to The Evolution of Atlas

    Just a reminder of Hector's attitude early on. A huge (gosh, he was a wide load! Those Stukel hens were hefty!) 3 month old cockerel intimidates a 5 year old hen. None of the hens knew what to think of him. He was never, ever intimidated by them, I can tell you that.
  6. speckledhen

    Hector's World: Adventures and Mayhem at Mountain View Poultry (or Sequel to The Evolution of Atlas

    I just realized awhile ago that Hector missed the date of Isaac and Suede's passings by one day. Isaac died Sept 20, 2012 just a few months older than Hector was. Suede died Sept 20, 2015 at 5 yrs 8 mos old. So odd, isn't it? My three heroes in a triangle formation, guarding together now.
  7. speckledhen

    Hector's World: Adventures and Mayhem at Mountain View Poultry (or Sequel to The Evolution of Atlas

    Perfect description of Hector...happy, naughty, sweet thing. He sure was. I remembered all the roosters I held in arms as I carried them to their final resting places. It's always me who does that for the roosters. I have such a special place in my heart for my boys because they're all good...
  8. speckledhen

    Hector's World: Adventures and Mayhem at Mountain View Poultry (or Sequel to The Evolution of Atlas

    RIP, Hector. I knew it wouldn't be long because yesterday, he did not even leave his inside pen when I let his hens out and he seemed to be having trouble swallowing. Today, he was at the feeder and I gave him his favorite scratch. I had let his girls out, but kept them from free ranging, went...
  9. speckledhen

    Hector's World: Adventures and Mayhem at Mountain View Poultry (or Sequel to The Evolution of Atlas

    Yesterday and today, Hector's appetite is better. He even shoved piggy Jill aside because she was eating all his corn from the scratch mix. He still has no stamina, sits a lot, but he was waiting for me at the feeder at 8:30 today so I fed him first. Good boy, our Hector.
  10. speckledhen

    Hector's World: Adventures and Mayhem at Mountain View Poultry (or Sequel to The Evolution of Atlas

    He's rallied a tiny bit, went outside and stood in his pan of water. I think he has duck DNA, LOL. I told him he could just sit in it if he wanted. He ate some scratch this morning and awhile ago, some tomato when I held it up to him and pushed away his piggy hens. I know how this stage goes...
  11. speckledhen

    Hector's World: Adventures and Mayhem at Mountain View Poultry (or Sequel to The Evolution of Atlas

    Yes, he will always be The Little Tyrant to me. He did eat something today, but he's very weak, can't stand more than a couple of minutes. I like Ageless Hector. I'll remember him like this, out and about with his girls, standing tall.
  12. speckledhen

    Hector's World: Adventures and Mayhem at Mountain View Poultry (or Sequel to The Evolution of Atlas

    Today is a bad day for Hector. He didn't even stand up this morning, let me rake around him on the floor. His breathing is a bit labored. Hours went by. He wasn't enticed by his 13 grain scratch mix, not even in a bowl in front of his face. He wasn't enticed by a tomato I tore open for him and...
  13. speckledhen

    Hector's World: Adventures and Mayhem at Mountain View Poultry (or Sequel to The Evolution of Atlas

    I wish he'd let me hold him and/or carry him, but he completely freaks out if his feet leave the ground. You can imagine the trouble we have trying to trim his spurs or toenails. The most he'll let me do is rub his chest and if he thinks I'm going to try to lift him rather than just pet him, he...
  14. speckledhen

    Hector's World: Adventures and Mayhem at Mountain View Poultry (or Sequel to The Evolution of Atlas

    Hector hasn't crowed in at least five or six days. Even Suede, when he uttered the first very weak-sounding crow two months before his death, only missed one day of his part of the rooster chorus, the day before he died. Hector's crow has about 9 syllables and it's a glaring hole in the chorus...
  15. speckledhen

    Hector's World: Adventures and Mayhem at Mountain View Poultry (or Sequel to The Evolution of Atlas

    I know you've been with me through every step of Hector's life. I appreciate all the support and the laughs. Tom and I both love Hector. I make sure he gets a ripe juicy tomato to himself because he loves those with a passion. Yes, he is surrounded by adoring hens and of course, mom (me). You...
  16. speckledhen

    Hector's World: Adventures and Mayhem at Mountain View Poultry (or Sequel to The Evolution of Atlas

    In the last few days, Athena has been hovering over Hector as he sits on the floor. He looks as if he's shrinking into himself. It's interesting that it's Athena, not Jill mostly, who is really doing that silent communication thing with him, their heads close together. He drags himself outside...
  17. speckledhen

    Hector's World: Adventures and Mayhem at Mountain View Poultry (or Sequel to The Evolution of Atlas

    I know. I can hardly believe how the time and his life has flown by. He was never really bad, just an enthusiastic boundary tester. But, his intelligence allowed him to learn that his behavior was not acceptable. So, he blossomed into a really great flock leader (though he was always very picky...
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