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  1. haycat

    Stinging Nettles

    If you give it a try please keep us posted! I'm very curious now, but will have to wait until my kitchen is finished.
  2. haycat

    Stinging Nettles

    Sorry, I lost this thread for a while and only recently found the "subscribe" button. Quote: Some chickens are just down right diabolical! Quote: Years ago (almost 10 now) we used to have goats and NEVER had stinging grass. After the goats went is when it bacame a problem. Of course...
  3. haycat

    Stinging Nettles

    I have always had a few stinging nettles in my chicken yard, but this year they seem to be particularly bad! I am in Texas where we had a pretty warm winter so not much died back. Other than keeping them short/mowed, is there anything people use to keep them in check that is also chicken safe?
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