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  1. Cooper Gs Coop

    Chicken Coop

    The ladies and the prince on the roost
  2. Cooper Gs Coop

    Chicken Coop

    The ladies and the prince on the roost
  3. Cooper Gs Coop

    Chicken Coop

    Thank you! It took the girls a few days to learn what the dust bath was for. After they saw a wild bird playing in the sand they got jealous and took it over. Lol
  4. Cooper Gs Coop

    Chicken Coop

    Didn't realize I never took a picture after it was fully done today. I also put 1/4" hardware cloth on the inside of the window so even when it's open nothing can get in.
  5. Cooper Gs Coop

    Chicken Coop

    Followed the advice. Went ahead and Added an 18"x18" plexiglass window making two windows. Now when the sun rises it will start lighting up the coop inside. Also added a dust bath inside the coop. Used a plastic tote about 3' long and 16" deep. Used the DE and sand with wood ash, also making...
  6. Cooper Gs Coop

    Chicken Coop

    Also. I put them outside Monday. I've kept the red lights as it's been chilly here in CNY around 32 at night for a low. Should I start putting them on the roost now? Should I wait until they don't need the extra bit of heat at night in a week or two then put them up to roost being that it will...
  7. Cooper Gs Coop

    Chicken Coop

    Thank you. That is very helpful. I do not currently have a dust bath for them. I'm outdoors all day and let them free range but right now they're getting the lay of the land. What do you suggest for making them a dust bath? The 7 week olds walk up the ramp with no problem. I was worried about it...
  8. Cooper Gs Coop

    Chicken Coop

    Right now I have an over abundance of pine trees cut down last year. Saved all the branches so I'm going to use that primarily. Also have a bunch of maple. Will do research but for now I'll stick w pine and make sure it's nice and dried out.
  9. Cooper Gs Coop

    Chicken Coop

    You're talking about bumblefoot right? I was worried about that from them landing on hard surfaces and such so I'm going to make sure it's kept deep.
  10. Cooper Gs Coop

    Chicken Coop

    Thank you both. Right now the shavings are 6-8" deep. And lol about the windows. Went to hardware store to get plexiglass to put windows on both sides. Right now the only window is on the west side so no morning sun. Also. I've been noticing them making pits to lay in the pine shavings so I'm...
  11. Cooper Gs Coop

    Chicken Coop

    And boys. Two pit/lab mixes that have to put their head in the coop to make sure their babies are alright.
  12. Cooper Gs Coop

    Chicken Coop

    Hardware cloth, 1/4", covering the openings along the roof. Very good ventilation and no drafts so I didn't want to cover them completely. And on the outside of the coop, covering the gap is steel mesh roughly 1/4" as well. Not taking any chances.
  13. Cooper Gs Coop

    Chicken Coop

    PVC pipe with poultry nipples. I don't want any bacteria or wetness issues so I have the 5 gallon bucket with a hose running to the pvc pipe.
  14. Cooper Gs Coop

    Chicken Coop

    Nesting boxes. Still housing my tools from building it all lol. Put a pc of wood hinged to the front so I can keep them out until the mornings. From what I've researched they will make a mess if allowed full access 24/7. The 5 gallon water bucket is in the background.
  15. Cooper Gs Coop

    Chicken Coop

    The green snow sled is what I'm using as a cover for the food bucket that will be hanging from the rafter. For now with them being so young they're using the water bucket and food bucket from their brooder.
  16. Cooper Gs Coop

    Chicken Coop

    Using real maple tree roosting bars. Since I cut firewood I figured why not spoil them with the real thing. Happy chickens = good egging right lol. My roosting branches are about 4' off the ground.
  17. Cooper Gs Coop

    Chicken Coop

    Locks on top and bottom.
  18. Cooper Gs Coop

    Chicken Coop

    Hen door with lock and key
  19. Cooper Gs Coop

    Chicken Coop

    This is our chicken coop. An old garage from the 20s that was a gravel filled foundation. I poured 2 foot of concrete so nothing can dig thru. I sectioned off the garage to make the coop 10'x10'x12' high. Right now the chicks are 7 and 5 weeks ish so I still leave the red light on for them in...
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