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  1. Bammony

    Quail are FINALLY hatching on day 21!

    I am so excited!!!! Thank you thank you thank you Jared for hatching the silkies for me! You're awesome!
  2. Bammony

    Quail are FINALLY hatching on day 21!

    Quote: I think they'll hatch just fine without you staring at them. Doubt it. All of my others hatched with me sitting in front of the bator with my face pressed up against the glass watching and talking to them. It's like they needed me to be there to hatch. Or was it that I just never left...
  3. Bammony

    Quail are FINALLY hatching on day 21!

    The chicks are waiting for me to come up there to be there while they hatch. I better get dressed and come right over. We can't have them waiting too long!
  4. Bammony

    Quail are FINALLY hatching on day 21!

    Quote: uh.....(thinking)
  5. Bammony

    Quail are FINALLY hatching on day 21!

    The best things in life are worth waiting for. Patience Jared, patience. Need to borrow some? Also, have you tried doing the chicken dance in front of the bator on one leg? Try it. And make sure you record it on video or it won't work.
  6. Bammony

    Quail are FINALLY hatching on day 21!

    Quote: Really?!?! I never knew that about you! And all this time I've been so impressed with your patience level. Who'd have thought!
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