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  • Users: sh83
  • With SLW Roo? thread
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  1. sh83

    SLW Roo?

    Good to know! I've never had this breed before so I'm new to everything :) thanks!!
  2. sh83

    SLW Roo?

    I've said that all along too :)
  3. sh83

    SLW Roo?

  4. sh83

    SLW Roo?

    So I got this one little SLW straight run chick 11 weeks ago. I figured after the first 2 weeks it was a roo because it grew it's waddles and comb early. Since then it hasn't developed much more and I now have people saying he's a she :) I'd LOVE your opinions! This is the only SLW I've ever had...
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