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  1. mamahenmartinez

    Male or female and possible breed?

    Ok just looked it up. What I meant by its feather sickling is the other three have narrow pointed tails that come straight out (kind of like a triangle shape) This ones tail feathers are rounded and pointed downwards. (Think like a polish females head feathers) they do that just smaller. I...
  2. mamahenmartinez

    Male or female and possible breed?

    Also I have a question. One of the others of these is very different from the others, they are all the same age, around 4 weeks, but this particular one is BARELY feathering out. The other 3 have 90 % (just need a few more on the head) of their feathers but this particular one is only about 10%...
  3. mamahenmartinez

    Male or female and possible breed?

    Can you explain the difference in hackle or saddle feathers please? If its a girl then I suppose its trying to be queen of the roost then maybe? It acts like a male, I guess thats why it confuses me.
  4. mamahenmartinez

    Male or female and possible breed?

    It also stands tall most of the time and it kinda puffs its chest out to my male barred rock.
  5. mamahenmartinez

    Male or female and possible breed?

    You would say pullet even though its got a (turning) red comb and bright red waddles? Also I dont know if you can tell in the pictures but its tail feathers look like they are starting to sickle. The only reason im asking is the combs on my other 3 are still yellow where as this ones is red and...
  6. mamahenmartinez

    Male or female and possible breed?

    Hey there, can someone help me out as far as gender (a guess) and possibly breed this one goes? I was told when I bought this one and the other 3 that they are ameracaunas. However I think they may be buff orpingtons. Anyway. I am having my suspicions that this may be a male. EDITED TO...
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