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  1. Coturnix Quail

    Taming 4 Week Olds!

    Aww, that's so cute!
  2. Coturnix Quail

    Taming 4 Week Olds!

    Also, I have a 50lb bag of starter thats only half-way through.
  3. Coturnix Quail

    Taming 4 Week Olds!

    They're all growing fine, and they try to pick at the mealworms, but I guess sometimes its just too tough? I use Purina starter/grower. I'll post pics as soon as possible. My Buff Orpington pecks at my hands instead of the mealworms, really hard. A Thanks for the advice! I'm going to order...
  4. Coturnix Quail

    Taming 4 Week Olds!

    Okay, thanks! Is it okay if I just feed them regular chicken grit and instead crush it for them? I can't seem to find chick grit anywhere :barnie I try to be level, but every time I am, I have to literally lie down because they're so little! I can't believe they're already a month old :rolleyes:
  5. Coturnix Quail

    Taming 4 Week Olds!

    Alright, thanks! I took all of my chicks and let them run around. I noticed that they started to hop and fly a bit and wouldn't obey me as much. Is that normal? Also, today my BR Bantam baby came slowly when I tapped! My Blue Cochin still won't come though :( But, so far all is well! :D
  6. Coturnix Quail

    Taming 4 Week Olds!

    Aw, that's cute! I guess as soon as I get the grit, I'll start feeding away! Also, any tips on how to train them to come with a call? I hear it's better/easier to do this when they're young.
  7. Coturnix Quail

    Taming 4 Week Olds!

    Again, thank you! I guess its too tough for them? My EE Bantam is the only one.. I don't know, maybe they'll catch on later. Do you guys have any cool tricks to teach your chicks? Even with food in the container, it doesn't hurt to eat a little outside too!
  8. Coturnix Quail

    Taming 4 Week Olds!

    Thanks guys! What vitamins should I put in their water? They are eating and drinking lots of food. I think I might have to buy a few more containers! I've heard and seen chick grit, I'm going to buy it soon. I once offered them scrambled eggs, but they didn't touch it. I hear you can also feed...
  9. Coturnix Quail

    Taming 4 Week Olds!

    Hello everyone! I hope you're enjoying the new update because I am. Anyways, I have six beautiful 4 week old chicks. My Buff Orpington and Easter Egger and sometimes even my Australorp will come when I tap or call them. I'm in the process of teaching my EE Bantam to come when called with...
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