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  1. Petra Pancake

    Free ranging hen vanished without a trace

    @CluckEwe, she has succeeded in hatching 8 chicks in her secret hiding place under the house, lost one and is now happily raising the other 7 :) I tried to upload a photo but it doesn't seem to work from my phone...
  2. Petra Pancake

    Free ranging hen vanished without a trace

    The good news: She's (still) alive. This morning I heard a scratching sound under my window - there she was, taking a leisurely dust bath. I had to deal with my kids first, so I just threw her a slice of bread through the window which she gobbled up. When I went to the back garden half an hour...
  3. Petra Pancake

    Free ranging hen vanished without a trace

    Thanks. Would a hawk or buzzard "remember" and come back for more? Birds of prey generally are rare here and don't seem to stay for long.
  4. Petra Pancake

    Free ranging hen vanished without a trace

    My main flock consisting of four laying hens, a broody with her 3 tiny chicks and a Japanese Bantam rooster has been free ranging for the last 2 months. Today, my biggest hen (weighing about 3 kg) just vanished. No feathers, no blood, no visible signs of a fight. The others, including broody and...
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