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  1. Purple Iris

    B.Y.C. Dorking Club!

    Thanks everyone for the advice, sadly little Pixie did not make it, she died overnight Thursday. I went back to the farm Friday evening after work, for a new companion the remaining Wyandotte chick, who was quite frantic and noisy at being alone for the first time in her life. We looked at the...
  2. Purple Iris

    B.Y.C. Dorking Club!

    Thanks, I had hoped to get Corid, but my only local stockist here in Western NY is Tractor Supply Store, and it is out of stock at all 3 branches within 25 miles of where I live. (Anyone else nr Buffalo NY who knows an alternative supplier pls- let me know). I'm not seeing any blood in the...
  3. Purple Iris

    B.Y.C. Dorking Club!

    Thanks for the responses, and the suggestion for the Emergency thread - I'm still learning to navigate my way round the site and hadn't come across that one before. My local feedstore had pretty limited options, but I did find some nutridrench, and they had 1 bottle of Sulmet, so I got it in...
  4. Purple Iris

    B.Y.C. Dorking Club!

    Good Morning, sorry if this is overloading the thread, but I'm really hoping for some help! Pixie is still alive, and peeping away in her usual 'chatty' manner, she's acting a little more alert than last night, but her wings are so droopy they almost touch the ground. I switched the food into a...
  5. Purple Iris

    B.Y.C. Dorking Club!

    Final update before bed - Pixie still with us, but looking fairly pathetic, was with her just a few mins ago, she ate a few clover type leaves from the garden enthusiastically (told OK to gradually add few 'greens' to their diets when we brought them home last week, and they have had a few each...
  6. Purple Iris

    B.Y.C. Dorking Club!

    Hi there, as a new member I'm hoping to take full advantage of the wealth of experience amongst other members - sorry this is a long post, hope that's OK, I wanted to give all info that may be relevant as I have just 1 weeks experience of looking after very young chicks. I went to take...
  7. Purple Iris

    B.Y.C. Dorking Club!

    Thanks for your response, not listed as a bantam in the chick hatching date page, but I can get more up to date photos later from the front as you suggested.
  8. Purple Iris

    B.Y.C. Dorking Club!

    OK Thanks for welcome, I'll try to get some '1 week older' pics after work this evening, and post them here.
  9. Purple Iris

    B.Y.C. Dorking Club!

    Hi there, I'm a new BYC member - as of yesterday! I put a little write up and some info on the New Members Intro section 'Hello, I'm new here'! on 6/22, hoping some more experienced chicken owners could help me estimate the age of our Dorking chick. The photos I used were taken almost a week...
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