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  1. blessedacre

    B.Y.C. Dorking Club!

    Thanks Kibi All are doing well . we are on day 7 and I plan to treat for 10 days and then we should be cocci free. I also found this product and it has many of the herbs I am using and then some, there is a post on BYC of some one using Kocci...
  2. blessedacre

    B.Y.C. Dorking Club!

    ok sorry for the delayed update but I was reluctant to give one until I felt pretty sure we are on the up swing around here. I did 2 days worth of research and spoke with 2 vets/ their techs (both of which were not sure of the withdrawl time although they do perscirbe it to laying hens) came...
  3. blessedacre

    B.Y.C. Dorking Club!

    Hi everyone!! My hen is still hanging with us. Through all my reasearch I have found that there is debate wether the eggs of a laying hen are forever contaminated??? I have found that the use of coridor amprolium is banned in the UK. can anyone expand on this. I have found reports of---...
  4. blessedacre

    B.Y.C. Dorking Club!

    HELP Needed Went out to coop today and one of my 7 month old buffs was pale and standing in the corner, noticed a puddle of liquidy stuff with blood in it, I also found several other bloody poo piles ( I have removed them from the area) I seperated her and began my research. I live in...
  5. blessedacre

    B.Y.C. Dorking Club!

    I need to figure out a seperation for the roosters!! My poor husband just finished the "final" touches and I am soooo hesitant to say..."oh by the way I didn't think the rooster thing through all the way and I need seperate housing" I think " I" will find myself in seperate housing...
  6. blessedacre

    B.Y.C. Dorking Club!

    Good Morning, Wanted to share a few pics of my dorkings. They are 9 1/2 weeks old now. I made them a sweet treat and they are LOVING it. I was wondering how old are they when they beging to mate?? The roos are TRYING and a BIG emphasis on the word TRYING to crow. I actually thought one had...
  7. blessedacre

    B.Y.C. Dorking Club!

    OH Happy Day!!! No blood or fighting in the chicken yard today. Extra feeders and hiding places, a head of cabbage with holes drilled in it with molasses poured in the holes and a jingle bell wired to it dangleing from a rope, fresh cut grass and hay thrown into the yard (very unkept looking...
  8. blessedacre

    B.Y.C. Dorking Club!

    Thanks April!! I made some hide aways and found an old large planter pot with the bottom broken out of it !!! I also took some hay and through it out in the yard.... so much for the pristine look :) .... i put the Austrolorp back into general population, I figured I might as well get that...
  9. blessedacre

    B.Y.C. Dorking Club!

    I think I have enough roosts--- I have 5 6 ft long roosts----- 3 are high and 2 are knee highth --- I will get another feeder. as far as a bachelor pad goes, wouldn't I have the same problem?? if all the roos are locked up together won't they fight just as bad??? or are they fighting over the...
  10. blessedacre

    B.Y.C. Dorking Club!

    Hi everyone!! My dorkings are 7 weeks old. I ordered a straight run from Murry McMurry. Out of 15 --3 passed- I think I have 4 pullets -- `1 Australorp (the exotice "gift") and the rest are roos........ ALL of my roos are running around with purple mohawks and some with full purple masks from...
  11. blessedacre

    B.Y.C. Dorking Club!

    have a ? about dorking chicks I received yesterday by mail. one seems to have part a the umbilical cord still attached. I thought it was pasty butt but when using the wet paper towel to remedy the situation, I realized my what it was. the other chicks peck at it when she is with the others...
  12. blessedacre

    B.Y.C. Dorking Club!

    Another question, I ordered my Dorkings from McMurray Hatchery and at the end of my order they said they were sending me a free exotic breed chick. I have had people tell me if I have just one chicken that is different than the rest, they will pick on it and my even kill it??? Is this...
  13. blessedacre

    B.Y.C. Dorking Club!

    That's right!!! I forgot about that very important characteristic of breeding!! I would have remembered when I got a box full of "mutants" .
  14. blessedacre

    B.Y.C. Dorking Club!

    Quick question A friend is going to order chicks with me........I am getting Dorkings ( silver grey) and she is getting Buff Orphantons. Will we be able to tell them apart when they get here? Are all silver grey Dorking chicks dark in color with darker spots? Thanks Lisa
  15. blessedacre

    B.Y.C. Dorking Club!

    No I don't plan to cook it. I understand they will eat the corn and wheat berries just fine. You just put the mix into their feeder or throw on the ground.
  16. blessedacre

    B.Y.C. Dorking Club!

    Thank YOU, Thank YOU!!!! I would have NEVER figured that out!!! I will keep pickiness in mind and maybe purchase small amounts for trial tasting to figure out which one go over well. Although all the listed ingredients would work in the kitchen as well. Thanks again!!
  17. blessedacre

    B.Y.C. Dorking Club!

    Anyone mix their own organic whole grain feed? this is the recipe that seems to be popular, I have found it on different sites.....this is for grown hens, there are variations for chicks......... - 2 parts whole corn - 3 parts soft white wheat - 3 parts hard red winter wheat - ½ part...
  18. blessedacre

    B.Y.C. Dorking Club!

    SORRY for the repeat post.....I am new and figureing out the system So I can keep 2 or more dorking roos together and they will be ok? I have a friend that had 3 young roos in a pen of 12 hens and they were constantly harassing the hens and they were VERY aggressive, I don't remember the...
  19. blessedacre

    B.Y.C. Dorking Club!

    So I can keep 2 or more dorking roos together and they will be ok? I have a friend that had 3 young roos in a pen of 12 hens and they were constantly harassing the hens and they were VERY aggressive, I don't remember the breed but they were the "traditional" looking roosters with red heads and...
  20. blessedacre

    B.Y.C. Dorking Club!

    THANK YOU!!! GREAT information. Just a thought on the PVC tractor....this has NOT been tested yet, but we plan to fill the bottom frame pvc pipes and the 4 corner pipes with sand/gravel to help weigh it down. We hope it works. I plan to keep only a Dorking roo. I will check into the...
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