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  1. dncarr09

    B.Y.C. Dorking Club!

    Thank you, I will check that out. Now that you mention it I rembmer seeing it. I always quarantine for at least a month. I built a seperate area just for that purpose, where they can see each other, and not get to each other. Is the 2010 APA SOP book the latest edition to come out? So you think...
  2. dncarr09

    B.Y.C. Dorking Club!

    Ok, I have been fortunate enough to find some more Dorkings locally. As some of you may have seen my earlier posts looking for a new roo because mine was terrible quality. I couldn't believe that I found some about 20 minutes away from me. I was only looking for a roo, but this person needed to...
  3. dncarr09

    B.Y.C. Dorking Club!

    Ok, let me clarify. When I say that I took care of the neighbor’s cat I didn’t kill it or anything. I don’t want PETA sending me hate mail lol. About a month ago I came home one evening from school, I am a college student, and I forgot to close the door to the chicken tractor, and the next...
  4. dncarr09

    B.Y.C. Dorking Club!

    Does anyone know where I can get a good SG cockerel? I was able to find 4 pullets about a month ago. They came with a Silver Gray rooster. They are now about 25 weeks old, and I would never consider breeding him. His size, type, and coloring are just so awful. The person that I got him from...
  5. dncarr09

    B.Y.C. Dorking Club!

    Just sent you a PM of someone who should be able to help you.
  6. dncarr09

    B.Y.C. Dorking Club!

    Ok, has anyone ever had a chick that is maybe just a slow grower? I have 2 SG dorking chicks that are about 3 weeks old. One is more than double the size of the other one. Is that common with this breed? I haven't seen this with my other breeds as chicks before. They both have free range of food...
  7. dncarr09

    B.Y.C. Dorking Club!

    I never use medicated feed either. I did when I first started out and I didn't even get finished with the first bag. I felt like it made mine sickly. It seem to give them very runny poo. I switched them to regular unmedicated feed and it instantly eneded the constant runny poo. I started...
  8. dncarr09

    B.Y.C. Dorking Club!

    Thank you, I have some save a chick at home that I thought about trying. I use it for my babys in their first couple of waters to help start them out on the right foot. I am going to try it for her also. Thanks for the help!
  9. dncarr09

    B.Y.C. Dorking Club!

    Well, I thought about that. But, I am not for sure. I have bought stuff that you spray to treat their area with. See, I am pretty new to chickens. I have only had chickens for about 6 months and have never dealt with lice or mites. The place they come from last week was pretty dirty, and they...
  10. dncarr09

    B.Y.C. Dorking Club!

    Ok, one of my SG pullets I got last week is acting kind of funny. I noticed the first day I brought them home all they acted like they wanted to do was go to sleep. Now, everyone runs to me when I bring food, and they eat and drink well. But, I still have one pullet that will occasionally come...
  11. dncarr09

    B.Y.C. Dorking Club!

    ok, I am the proud new owner of 5 20 week SG's I am not that happy with the roo as I don't think his type is that great. But, from what I've read from you all its hard to find a great one. I will post pics of them. I am a little concerned because all of their combs even the ones on the pullets...
  12. dncarr09

    B.Y.C. Dorking Club!

    Thank you, I actually had a friend that hatched these for me. She has a really nice cabinet incubator and I only have a little Hovabator. I wanted to get the best hatch rate possible so she hatched them for me. She said she hasn't ever had that happen with her chicks so I don't know if it was...
  13. dncarr09

    B.Y.C. Dorking Club!

    Does anyone know what causes a prolapsed vent? I had a chick that developed this at 4 days old. I couldn't fix it and I tried really hard but the chick ended up dying. It was one of my SG doking chicks and I only had 3.
  14. dncarr09

    B.Y.C. Dorking Club!

    Hey guys one of 3 little SG dorking chicks has an odd spot on him or her. On the top part of the rectum area there is what looks like a small bloody sac. Kinda like a small blister. No intestine hanging out or anything. I did clean it off with a baby wipe and it was bloody but not bleeding. Any...
  15. dncarr09

    B.Y.C. Dorking Club!

    Thank you! I just sent them an email. Hopefully there will be some available. I will try and sex my 3 tonight. I will try and post some pictures for a second opinon. Thanks!
  16. dncarr09

    B.Y.C. Dorking Club!

    Hello, my name is David and I am new to Dorkings and just had my first 3 to hatch (silver grey). I got the eggs from a breeder in Texas and the hatch didn't go so well . I only got 3 out of 20 eggs to hatch. Many were not fertile and part of it was the heat when they were shipped a few weeks...
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