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  1. cmom

    Sickness spreading among chicks? Please help!

    Where in Florida do you live? I'm between Ocala and Crystal River.
  2. cmom

    Sickness spreading among chicks? Please help!

    You can also give the chicks some Poly-Vi-Sol infant WITHOUT IRON vitamins to them. You can take a dropper and put some drops in their beaks. There is also vitamin and electrolytes called Save-A-Chick you can mix in their water, but I wouldn't mix it in with the Corid. Do the Corid first for a...
  3. cmom

    Sickness spreading among chicks? Please help!

    :welcome It could be coccidiosis (cocci). I have lost young birds to this. This is also the age when it affects the chicks. Often the chicks wings will look droopy and the chicks look lethargic. I have gone out to their pen to find a dead chick and can see no signs of anything wrong then maybe...
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