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  1. NorthTexasWink

    Helpful hints for building coops

    I learned something building horse stables that applies equally well to building for any animals and even for children. If you see something and think there couldn't possibly be a way they could hurt themselves on it, look harder. TRY hurting yourself with it intentionally, then make that...
  2. NorthTexasWink

    Helpful hints for building coops

    Your paint brushes and rollers can go into the freezer wrapped in those plastic bags/Saran wrap. Just pull them out to defrost before you plan to paint! My rollers need about 45 minutes, large brushes about 30 minutes, but it'll depend on temps. ETA: @HenOnAJuneBug GMTA
  3. NorthTexasWink

    Helpful hints for building coops

    Never underestimate the strength, dexterity, and sheer determination of raccoons! They are everywhere and eat anything. Getting to your feed, eggs, and birds are like winning the lottery for them and they are addicted to playing the numbers. They will not stop trying and will eventually find...
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