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  1. Leaguinea

    Hatching Guinea keets... Questions

    Okay, so I have had nothing else hatch since Sunday, yesterday was the actual hatch day (#28) How much longer should I wait? I have opened and removed the 3 that hatched because they seemed a little frantic by Monday night and were pecking each other. Should I open the bator and candle the...
  2. Leaguinea

    Hatching Guinea keets... Questions

    Q 3. What temperature should the brooder be, under the heat lamp?
  3. Leaguinea

    Hatching Guinea keets... Questions

    Thank you so much for all the helpful information. At this time I will just leave the incubator alone and let nature take its course. I don't really want to take the chance at messing up the hatching. Another hatched this evening. :celebrate I totally am a newbie and have learnt so much by...
  4. Leaguinea

    Hatching Guinea keets... Questions

    I have a Bator of Guinea eggs not all are viable but some are. I locked down Friday evening (day25) and then had my first hatch Saturday morning (day26) it hatched within 40min of pipping the shell. Second keet was out of the shell this morning. Q 1. How long can I leave them in the bator...
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