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  1. goreybabe

    Trying to manage randy younger roos

    Definitely getting the long handled net - that will be handy at one point, even if we don't keep all the boys... I am going to research more into rooster flocks to see how to go about doing that, if they are even interested in it themselves in the first place. Otherwise, yeah, we'll be either...
  2. goreybabe

    Trying to manage randy younger roos

    Quoting myself: I have about half an acre of land for everyone -- some forested, some open, some with low plants/bushes -- and ample run/coop space (one large coop we spaced for about 35 hens, one smaller that can room 8 birds easily ... I should clarify that we don't at all intend to have...
  3. goreybabe

    Trying to manage randy younger roos

    Thanks! I will definitely pop a cockerel in with the current babies once they are old enough!! Just curious, how do you teach the boys to be "gentle"? Right now I shoo them away and stand between them and the girls when I see them being rough.
  4. goreybabe

    Trying to manage randy younger roos

    She was broody, but didn't hatch. I broke the second brood, but we let the first brood run its course without eggs. Nothing we tried worked to break that brood (we now have a lot freezer blocks for our camping coolers!) until I figured out about simply dipping her in cold water for her second one.
  5. goreybabe

    Trying to manage randy younger roos

    Great point about older hens taking over. And about winter -- we might end up building a third coop if we keep all the cockerels and can figure it out. We were going by the 8 hens/1 roo estimate, and so with 24 hens, that COULD work with 3 roos (well, the right roos). Right? but could I...
  6. goreybabe

    Trying to manage randy younger roos

    Hi all, This spring we added to our flock, integrating newbies quite nicely. We planned to add a second roo and a bunch of girls. However, as the pullets grew, it became apparent that several of our "pullets" were actually cockerels. Last year started with 9 hens, 1 roo; This year added 8 hens...
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