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  1. aart

    Building a chicken coop/run

    Ha!! I've seen that one here, with my first flock bought as adults, cockbird sat in nest for a good 30 minutes talking to the girls. BTW that 2x2 perch was changed out to a 2x4, the big bumbler brahmas had a hard time navigating it.
  2. aart

    Building a chicken coop/run

    That's a great pic! Looks like they had no problem getting in there, but I would suggest a perch about 8" out in front of bottom of nest openings. more thing to 'build'. :rolleyes:
  3. aart

    Building a chicken coop/run

    Being in adjacent cages for weeks/months, then all going into new coop at same time is a good integration strategy. Good also to still be working on finishing up coop with them in there, they'll get used to you being in their space. Enjoy!
  4. aart

    Building a chicken coop/run

    Great!!! Did they lay in the nests? I bet they are hapPY to be out of those cages!!
  5. aart

    Building a chicken coop/run

    Are these bird in your house?!
  6. aart

    Building a chicken coop/run

    Yeah, big clue there, and the best way to determine if you have enough, or too much, is to be inside coop when very windy and also not windy(if that ever happens as close to the bay/ocean as you are). Ventilation is hard to figure, every coop and site is different and hard to assess over the...
  7. aart

    Building a chicken coop/run

    Looks like you have some shade from a nearby building, but that is probably only there for a fraction of the day? I'd take off the 'eave covers' on both sides of coop, replace with /12" HC against preds, that will provide some good flow thru. Large louvered vents on windward side should...
  8. aart

    Building a chicken coop/run

    Are they ever really finished? ;) I don't see much ventilation, for as hot as it is there I would think you'll want much more?
  9. aart

    Building a chicken coop/run

    Yes, very good point, even with the PVC I'd keep a close eye. I feed daily, keeps an eye on consumption and feed storage is secure. Grain mites are PITA, and very common when it warm and humid. Luckily they are easily controlled/eradicated with DE (about the only thing DE is good for)...
  10. aart

    Building a chicken coop/run

    Have you tried rolling that thing over the yard? I ask because I made a great mobile hoop run with similar wheels.... the garage it was fantastic, even the gravel driveway it was OK, but on the grass it stunk.
  11. aart

    Building a chicken coop/run

    I assume you will have a pretty much open air coop given the heat of your area? Here's some height tips for coop planning. Here's my theory on the 'stack up' aspect to coop design: Bottom of pop door is best about 8" above floor so bedding doesn't get dragged out of coop. Nice to have bottom...
  12. aart

    Building a chicken coop/run

    I've found brooding in coop to be a fantastic way to integrate new chicks. But sounds like you've got storage nailed down. I though breese were primarily meat they lay well too? Arrgghh!! Well, it should be the coop, but......<shrugs>
  13. aart

    Building a chicken coop/run

    Might want to go bigger on the coop part, and add separate sections for brooding chicks, storage, etc. Will it be a layer flock...or....? Got any plans drawn out? Please add your location to your profile?
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