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  1. casportpony

    Ducks Dying On Me...

    Flock Raiser is crumble, the nutrena is pelleted. The Purina is higher in protein, so that might be better if they feel too light. Now that I think about it, just get the crumble (Purina Flock Raiser).
  2. casportpony

    Ducks Dying On Me...

    If you haven't opened it take it back and get the Purina Flock Raiser or the Nutrena All Flock. Even if you have opened it, take it back and insist they give you store credit.
  3. casportpony

    Ducks Dying On Me...

    What's the name on the bag?
  4. casportpony

    Ducks Dying On Me...

    It looks like this:
  5. casportpony

    Ducks Dying On Me...

    Do you have some sort of all flock crumble?
  6. casportpony

    Ducks Dying On Me...

    Start calling around and get an appointment for tomorrow, and keep them inside tonight.
  7. casportpony

    Ducks Dying On Me...

    I don't hear any congestion, but she doesn't look well. Can you post another video of her when she's dry?
  8. casportpony

    Ducks Dying On Me...

    You've had two die in a week? Now one sounds congested? It is time to consult with a vet.
  9. casportpony

    Ducks Dying On Me...

    If she sounds congested you should take her to the vet.
  10. casportpony

    Ducks Dying On Me...

    Please post a video of her. To post video, upload to youtube or vimeo then copy/paste link here.
  11. casportpony

    Ducks Dying On Me...

    Female duck quack:
  12. casportpony

    Ducks Dying On Me...

    Male duck quack
  13. casportpony

    Ducks Dying On Me...

    How do they get in? Looks like the bale of straw is blocking the opening? And if the water is inside, there is a very good chance that mold is too.
  14. casportpony

    Ducks Dying On Me...

    Where is their food and water bucket? I don't see either in this picture. :(
  15. casportpony

    Ducks Dying On Me...

    Get a heater for your bucket?
  16. casportpony

    Ducks Dying On Me...

    All feed stores should sell oyster shell.
  17. casportpony

    Ducks Dying On Me...

    I can't really tell from the pictures, but it looks like the straw in their coop it a little black? Might a So be a good idea to give strip their coop to bare dirt and get fresh bedding.
  18. casportpony

    Ducks Dying On Me...

    Just to be safe you might want to switch them to an all flock feed and provide oyster shell on the side.
  19. casportpony

    Ducks Dying On Me...

    Were the ones that died drakes or hens? If hens, are they laying? Drakes and non-laying hens should not be fed a layer feed because it's too high in calcium and can cause kidney problems.
  20. casportpony

    Ducks Dying On Me...

    Not really. You could list out out the food and treats, post pictures and videos of the remaining duck and their set-up? Then maybe someone could guess?
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