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  1. haireecat


    Can you tell me how much? I had Crested eggs in the incubator, and none were fertile! Only the lone Shetland that was shipped as an extra.
  2. haireecat


    Hey all! I hope everyone is staying safe. Currently on week 3 of lockdown with my family, and so far so good. I am currently *trying* to hatch Serama eggs. Ordered 9 and the breeder sent 18! 13 of them made it to day 19, currently 12 in the bator. Today is day 21, so I've been checking on...
  3. haireecat


    Merry Christmas y'all! It's rare I find time to get on here, but I'm glad the thread is still going strong! Flower, the hen I got from you is still alive! She is a grand old lady of the flock. The roo I got from you passed away earlier this year. I hatched my first 3 eggs in July, and of...
  4. haireecat


    No, I haven't. I have heard of it, though. I've just been too busy lately.
  5. haireecat


    Hi all! It's been a long time since I checked in here. Flower, glad to see you're still active on the board! I still have the SF X hen and roo I got from you years ago. Plus I added a baby boy to our family of girls, so now my husband isn't too outnumbered. All of my old hens have passed...
  6. haireecat


    Hi y'all! It's been a long time since I've posted, mostly because we're due in July! First trimester kicked my butt this go round. Life is going well! Lost another hen (my Barred Rock) thanks to a Cooper's Hawk. Then that same dang hawk followed my EE a few weeks later! We leave our garage...
  7. haireecat


    Oh happy day! Pepper, of the swollen cheek, has just laid her first egg! Becky, you'll be interested to know she's an olive Egger. I was so excited, I had to rush on here and post a pic: My husband asked if I was taking a pic just to post it on BYC...... Of course since she was on...
  8. haireecat


    Squeeeee! That lil ol' baby is too precious!
  9. haireecat


    Kat, I agree that it was from the tick. We think it was an immune response. Today is day 7 of antibiotics, so she'll go back in the coop tonight. My roo went after my husband this week. He got freaked out by the plastic bag my husband had in his hand, and while Vince had his back turned, he...
  10. haireecat


    No, not yet. Her comb and face are pretty red, though! Of course all the older gals are molting, so I haven't had any eggs for about a month. Bunch of freeloaders.
  11. haireecat


    Thought I would share a health issue I had with one of our EE (actually it's one we got from you, Flower, so she's young). A week ago today I noticed she had a swollen face, with a big lump by her ear. Ended up she had a dog tick hanging from the lump, and the lump was very bruised looking...
  12. haireecat


    Hahahaha, my husband thinks I'm a freak as well. He pulled up in the drive this morning ( after taking the kids to school) to find me preening our roo. I may or may not have been crooning to Baymax, telling him how handsome he is......... My husband just stared at me, shaking his head.
  13. haireecat


    My husband thought I would want to bring home more chickens!
  14. haireecat


    Flower, we were just down the road from your house a little bit ago. Took the kids to Burt's for pumpkins.
  15. haireecat


    My Brahma has been molting for a few months now, poor pathetic looking girl. Nobody else has started yet, but it is getting to be that time. My coop expansion is underway, and my husband and Father-in-law are actually listening to me on the design! Hooray! We're also going to add a large...
  16. haireecat


    Hi all! Haven't posted in a while, thought I would check in. I hope everyone is well, and enjoying the nice fall weather we finally have. My husband and father-in-law are expanding the coop this weekend, yay! We had planned on building a new one, but I decided to just have them add on a...
  17. haireecat


    I have the feeling my daughter was trying to "get" him, and he wasn't going for it. She's going to mimic the older kids, and I have told them countless times to leave the chickens alone for this very reason! Especially the neighbor kid. I'm going to be having a very stern talk with all of...
  18. haireecat


    Well, I've got a big problem here. My roo, Baymax, attacked my 3 year old today. I was weeding, and her her scream " owwwwww", saw her smack him (she's a sassy little girl) but as she turned and ran off he chased her and knocked her down. I had reached her by then and he ran off, I couldn't...
  19. haireecat


    Thanks, PapaChaz, good to be back! I kept thinking I'd hop on during the summer, but then I knew I would never get my other stuff done:D
  20. haireecat


    Hi everyone! Been a while since I've posted, summer kept us busy. I hope everybody has had a nice one! My little cockerel has grown into a handsome roo. He only tried to get me one time, and as he sidled on up to me, I poked him. He ran off so fast! Hasn't tried anything since then...
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