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  1. hysop


    I don’t think that list has been updated in a while
  2. hysop


    Hi there! I’m near Albany but I don’t have any laying hens for sell at the moment. You should try FB if you’d like. I just know a lot of the Georgia FB groups tend to be 2-3 hrs away from the Albany area so that’s why I just order chicks from Cackle Hatchery or buy some from TSC. This year I...
  3. hysop


    The reason for quarantine is in case the ones you just bought are carrying a sickness and can infect your whole flock but no point in separating then now if they’ve mingled. Hopefully you got lucky and they were healthy birds. I have no idea on the breeds either and if they’re barnyard mixes...
  4. hysop


    What kind of chickens? Or just barnyard mixes? The humidity in my incubator dropped to the 20s overnight I guess. And one chick was practically zipped but it was dead. Poor thing. It was shrink wrapped (is that the term for when everything is dry and hard?). I felt so bad. I should have woken...
  5. hysop


    Went back to when you posted about your flock. And wow they’ve grown up!! I see they free range now! Thanks for the update! That’s crazy about the ones with the neurological issues. Were they a mix of breeds or a specific breed?
  6. hysop


    They are pretty spoiled 😂 I partially raw feed em so I wanted to introduce something new. one day when I’m rich I’d love to own ducks as pets, but for now I only raise what I can also eat. I love my dogs but I won’t raise ducks just for them 😂
  7. hysop


    Thanks for the information. I’ll post an ISO ad one of these days on fb. I’m sure more people will have some available around summer since everyone will have gotten ducklings and their share of drakes. It does suck you’re so far away. That seems to be the norm with me being in south GA 😂
  8. hysop


    How much do adult ducks go for in GA? I’m wanting to buy two. But the catch is, they’re for my dogs. I don’t eat duck so I don’t raise ducks. I’m just wondering if it would be worth it to raise a couple ducks from ducklings or if it’s roughly the same price as buying adult ones. I know on...
  9. hysop


    I ended up finding someone who gave me 6 fertile eggs. So excited!! Just saying hello! Today I was able to walk outside in shorts, but of course tomorrow night it will be in the 20s!
  10. hysop


    I posted on FB but I’ll post here just in case. Does anyone have 3 to 6 fertile chicken eggs near Albany GA? I wanna hatch some and it seems the ones in my incubator are all duds and my hens haven’t gone back to laying yet.
  11. hysop


    @Jnewt419 Here is the Georgia state thread I was telling you about
  12. hysop


    definitely ate too much as always 😂 😋 🤤 . I felt like a chubby when everyone only grabbed one plate and I went back for seconds. Granted the only ones present were my MIL, GIL (grandma in law?? Is that a thing 😂), my two kids, and my SIL. My hubby decided to be out in the field working all day.
  13. hysop


    I did read there are natural remedies to prevent worms and when I would care for my flock the first 2 years I would give them treats that happen to be listed on the list of natural ways like pumpkin and watermelon and others. So maybe that’s why I didn’t have an issue with worms before? My...
  14. hysop


    👋 Hiya! It has been a while! I’m doing well but unfortunately during the summer my husband took over the chicken chores because I’m a wimp with the heat. And long story short toward the end of summer/beginning of fall we lost some birds due to worms since at first we thought it was (I can’t...
  15. hysop


    Hello Georgians!! Last time I posted on this thread was in July! 4 months wow. Just dropping by to say hello. I can’t wait to start incubating eggs again! But I’m taking a long break because I have so much work and caring for young chicks is time consuming. Not to mention it’s about to get...
  16. hysop


    I took them away from her and placed them in an incubator. Out of 19 a total of 5 were quitters. The rest have been hatching nicely and I’ve been giving them to the broody and she has been adopting them 😊 Unfortunately the one that hatched yesterday drowned in the waterer. I have now placed...
  17. hysop


    It may be age then. All my hens are either on their second or third year of laying. And it has been hot lately. So it could be as you said, they have slowed down due to the heat. I’ll monitor it for a week and see if I see any changes.
  18. hysop


    I knew keeping a broody could make the others broody but not stop laying all together without being broody/sitting on eggs. I’ll keep you updated 😃 so far today is day 1 of the broodies not having eggs. They’re out of their nesting boxes and with the others since they have no eggs to sit on I...
  19. hysop


    So I didn’t think having a broody would make all my hens stop laying since it never has happened in the past but lo and behold it did. I have two broodies (out of 14 laying hens) And I am only getting 2 eggs per day if I’m lucky. I decided to be a meanie and took all the eggs from the broodies...
  20. hysop


    Oh wow! Yeah I figured they couldn’t be that much more than TSC. I just rather people see the fun side of owning chickens instead of a bad experience of “I bought 5 chicks and 4 ended up being males”. That way they can become self sufficient with chickens such as eggs and meat, not to make...
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