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  1. R

    Raspy and thin chicken with flaking skin?

    I had something like that with a horse of mine once so we needed to mix water into all his feed to reduce dust from the hay. I cant remeber if the vet gave him any medications for this however.
  2. R

    Raspy and thin chicken with flaking skin?

    Thats always a possibility. If something like tylan doesnt help that could be the case but the fact that her eye is closing makes it seem like an illness.
  3. R

    Raspy and thin chicken with flaking skin? I actually found an article that may help you.
  4. R

    Raspy and thin chicken with flaking skin?

    yeah for eye drops the simple human ones are fine as long as they arnt specific ones. The ones for basic eye cleaning or dryness should be good. U can also use vaseline to suffocate the mites, otherwise any specific anti lice and mite poweder/spray should work. As for antibiotics, they are each...
  5. R

    Raspy and thin chicken with flaking skin?

    Sounds like a respitory issue, and the flaky skin could me mites or lice, do they have dry sand to wash themselves in? A simple eye drop could help her one eye but since you say one eye is weird and she has raspy breathing she probably has a respatory issue. If she is thinner this could be from...
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