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  1. Pawpaw&Mawmaw

    Broody hen

    Thanks everyone for your feed back! Unfortunately she has decided to be broody in all the ladies favorite nesting box. Why it's their favorite box I have no idea, but apparently they do! She's really starting to upset the rest of my flock. This leads me to think that if I gave her a couple of...
  2. Pawpaw&Mawmaw

    Broody hen looks like there are several ways of breaking a broody hen. Although I like the idea of her hatching in the spring, I'm not too into having her first clutch of chicks (and mine!) in the winter. If she goes broody again another time of year I would love to borrow a couple of fertile...
  3. Pawpaw&Mawmaw

    Broody hen

    Update: Took care of the ladies this morning and the same signs as yesterday with Molly. In the nest upon arrival, got out, ate, pooped etc. and back to the nesting box. Puffed up and buried her head I assume to keep warmer. I had removed the one egg already in the same nesting box and it wasn't...
  4. Pawpaw&Mawmaw

    Broody hen

    I'm fairly new to raising chickens, although, I have learned a lot mostly from BYC (from ya'll). My hens will be 2 years old this spring and I have no rooster. I think I have my first broody hen but I'm not sure. A couple of days ago I noticed my hen Molly (a Buff Orpington), staying in one of...
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