Search results for query: *

  1. Boonie Stomper

    Ended Official BYC Contest - Guess when we'll reach 19 Million posts and you can win!

    Congratulations to @17 chickens and @oldhenlikesdogs for placing first & @Skipper81 for being close enough! :clap
  2. Boonie Stomper

    Ended Official BYC Contest - Guess when we'll reach 19 Million posts and you can win!

    X3! .... rather than the chicken and sushi from the gas station? :lol:
  3. Boonie Stomper

    Ended Official BYC Contest - Guess when we'll reach 19 Million posts and you can win!

    :wee We're stuck in the Great Interim!!! :celebrate:eek::pop
  4. Boonie Stomper

    Ended Official BYC Contest - Guess when we'll reach 19 Million posts and you can win!

    well.... :mad: ....... WELL?????? ? Anything official yet?
  5. Boonie Stomper

    Ended Official BYC Contest - Guess when we'll reach 19 Million posts and you can win!

    how come the number doesn't change after every post? It may already be 19 Mil now but it isn't posted yet?!? :eek: 18,999,216
  6. Boonie Stomper

    Ended Official BYC Contest - Guess when we'll reach 19 Million posts and you can win!

    :drool i never saw in the rules that nobody can do this!!! :plbb:gig:lau
  7. Boonie Stomper

    Ended Official BYC Contest - Guess when we'll reach 19 Million posts and you can win!

    :plbb:lau:gig no more guessing allowed = "contest closed"... It should be contest over late tomorrow night after I win! :wee:yesss::wee
  8. Boonie Stomper

    Ended Official BYC Contest - Guess when we'll reach 19 Million posts and you can win!

    :pop 118,999,627... :duc :oops: :lol::lau:gig:yai hope you knew i wuz kiddin'! :p Just checking to see if you are paying attention :wee:pop:yesss:
  9. Boonie Stomper

    Ended Official BYC Contest - Guess when we'll reach 19 Million posts and you can win!

    little devil on shoulder asks, can someone else report another's guess and change it? :gig:yuckyuck
  10. Boonie Stomper

    Ended Official BYC Contest - Guess when we'll reach 19 Million posts and you can win!

    Question to OP - :confused: Would a guessed time of ##:30 be rounded clockwise or counterclockwise (forward or back)? :idunno :pop
  11. Boonie Stomper

    Ended Official BYC Contest - Guess when we'll reach 19 Million posts and you can win!

    Really? Last month? Are you trying to tell us something? :yuckyuck:lau
  12. Boonie Stomper

    Ended Official BYC Contest - Guess when we'll reach 19 Million posts and you can win!

    :D You just saved me from taking that...:rant... Good thing was bad math anyhoo :lau :lol::plbb:gig
  13. Boonie Stomper

    Ended Official BYC Contest - Guess when we'll reach 19 Million posts and you can win!

    00 00 00 @ 00:00 (deleted test time) QC testing...:lol::oops::gig(this is a test... My real guess is further up!) It does not seem to have enenforcement for multiple guesses or guessing a "taken" time slot! Original duplicate time hereby removed so as not to jeopardize my 1st post eligibility.
  14. Boonie Stomper

    Ended Official BYC Contest - Guess when we'll reach 19 Million posts and you can win!

    02/22/18 22:00. EST. :bow I do think the 20 million post contest should start soon, too! :fl
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