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  1. Liz Birdlover

    Rooster Flock Thread

    That's loudest big mouth is a Barred Rock named Rocky...that boy can really project! I was worried when I got him, my very 1st Roo, I thought neighbors might show up to tar & feather me & run me outta town when they heard his big mouth! 😆 My Wyandotte boys have quite the deep...
  2. Liz Birdlover

    Rooster Flock Thread

    When I raised chicks, the Roos that grew up together were fine in the bachelor coop together with no hens in sight, but they could all hear eachother for a year. Once I let the hens & Roos out to free range together, attitudes changed. I've had Roos separated now & with spring hormones I doubt...
  3. Liz Birdlover

    Rooster Flock Thread

    Yes, that neighbor has created 3 monsters...3 foxes around constantly. Tonight I tried chasing off, even with my dog, didn't work, as I walk back home the 1 male trots with me! The horse barn people across the street were talking about shooting the fox, I overheard them as they're a bit loud...
  4. Liz Birdlover

    Rooster Flock Thread

    Figured I'd let you know...the 3 Roos together now are ok for now, but they did not want any more boys joining their bachelor pad!
  5. Liz Birdlover

    Rooster Flock Thread

    Your Roos are handsome too! Is Chester a Barred Rock or Dominique? His tail is awesome. I have my older Roos set up with their hens, I set the coop up with sections that have a half wall so they don't see their neighbors indoors, but the outside pen sections are just divided by the wire. When I...
  6. Liz Birdlover

    Rooster Flock Thread

    I have 11 Roosters. 6 are older with hens.. 5 are 7 & 8 mos old. 2 chunky Wyandottes, 1 Buff Orpington, 1 RIR & 1 Ameraucana. The Wyandottes really got an attitude with other Roos & eachother at 6 mos so they were split up & each of them has 1 hen they grew up with. The 3 Bachelors are...
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