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  1. chicknmania

    Help with coop floor and wall please

    Well, it WAS attached well! It was nailed to the baseboard, staked down, and weighted down with pavers and cement block. The only thing we didn't do was cover it with dirt, which we were going to do in spring, but it didn't appear to make much difference. And yes, this is a tiny space for her...
  2. chicknmania

    Help with coop floor and wall please

    Um, well......OK then for hardware cloth....
  3. chicknmania

    Help with coop floor and wall please

    Ok I concede on this one. I looked at the roll we had leftover and it was in fact chicken wire. I went to look at the tractor and it was reinforced with hardware cloth like I said. I was totally confused so I asked my nephew who is the one that patched the hole both times and he did say he...
  4. chicknmania

    Help with coop floor and wall please

    Argue all you want it's the same thing. I ought to know I bought it! The reason the shape of the holes looks different is because the wire was stretched from the skunk pulling on it. In this store the poultry netting and hardware cloth are in different sections. I agree that it doesn't look the...
  5. chicknmania

    Help with coop floor and wall please

    Like I said, I had to check on above, because we bought it last year, and I just knew that it WAS hardware cloth, because why would I buy chicken wire again to repair the tractor, when it didn't work the first time!? So, I don't know. Maybe it would be more appropriate to say buy a finer mesh...
  6. chicknmania

    Help with coop floor and wall please

    UM, know what??? Here's what we used. I just had to check....
  7. chicknmania

    Help with coop floor and wall please

    It was sold as hardware cloth by TSC. We used this same stuff as a a double layer barrier on our chicken tractor after raccoons were chewing through the chicken wire on the tractor. Since we added this stuff (sold as hardware cloth) to the tractor,we haven't had any additional problems with...
  8. chicknmania

    Help with coop floor and wall please

    Above image is from the skunk damage. This morning we reinforced it by filing the hole with rocks, covering with stainless steel grate, covering THAT with triple layer of hardware cloth, adding dirt, and weighting down with fresh logs that have bark removed so that they're slippery and the...
  9. chicknmania

    Help with coop floor and wall please

    I don't have pictures right now but I can get some I guess. But basically we just bolted the hardware cloth to the baseboard foundation part of the barn, extended it out, covered with dirt, and weighted down with logs. The log it bulldozed through had some rot, which was my dumb fault for not...
  10. chicknmania

    Help with coop floor and wall please

    Last night a skunk tore through the hardware cloth "skirt" which barriers the rear wall of the barn where our chickens sleep. The hardware cloth was buried, bolted to the wall, and weighted down with heavy logs. That has worked fine for the past year. It was amazing that this skunk simply tore...
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