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  1. Wine-dotte

    Re "What can I do"... conclusion!

    NurseELB wrote: I can't stop laughing!!! I'm sorry. All I can say is, are we related? I have done so many goofy things like that I can't count! At least you know what to do if the generator goes out! . We must have been triplets! That's how it goes around here....sigh ...
  2. Wine-dotte

    Re "What can I do"... conclusion!

    Thank you all so much for your help. Heres how things are going at this stage: 2 days ago: Madly dash round carport adjusting height of bucket dangling over gas barbeque(!!). Frantically poke thermometers into sand, digithermometer in glad bags of water. Poke finger into sand as don't believe...
  3. Wine-dotte

    Re "What can I do"... conclusion!

    Thank you all. Will have a go with the sand thing! We are in a very old, very rural area, all our power poles are very old wooden ones and as we are in wine country, and the area is developing quickly they are replacing all the poles with the heavy duty cement ones! I am very impressed with the...
  4. Wine-dotte

    Re "What can I do"... conclusion!

    Thank you so much! Does the bucket need a lid? You've just saved me from a very sleepless night and my husband from a prod in the ribs and a "what if...?" question every 20 minutes through it!!
  5. Wine-dotte

    Re "What can I do"... conclusion!

    I've just a couple of days ago set eggs in my bator,now the <9 pages of expletives> council are shutting off our power for "maintenance" 10 hours a day, 7 days out of the next 13... am I destined to loose all my precious eggs?? Any suggestions??
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