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  1. GardenJen77

    Feed Question: Do you take away the poultry's feed at night? Why or why not?

    When mine were inside I didn't take it away for the chicks, mostly because they emptied it and used it as a roost before bed. The ducks I did once they were about 4 weeks old, for as you mentioned they tended to stay up. Now both flocks of babies are outside. Again, the chickens I don't take...
  2. GardenJen77

    Feed Question: Do you take away the poultry's feed at night? Why or why not?

    Good to know! Seemed that mine would literally gorge themselves when I did that. I might try it again and see. Though I have plenty of wire that I shouldn't have any my opossums or raccoons, doesn't hurt to try new things.
  3. GardenJen77

    Feed Question: Do you take away the poultry's feed at night? Why or why not?

    I will keep that in mind for this coming winter. I have customers that purchase my eggs, and I lost 1/2 of them because my hens had quit laying for awhile. The eggs is what helps pay for the feed and care.
  4. GardenJen77

    Feed Question: Do you take away the poultry's feed at night? Why or why not?

    Good info. My chickens are free range now mostly. I do know that they really don't "Eat" overnight, but it is just easier to keep the food in there for when they do wake. I had my chickens laying all winter and to do that, I had a light on a timer that would turn on at 3:30 am. Now, I am not...
  5. GardenJen77

    Feed Question: Do you take away the poultry's feed at night? Why or why not?

    Thanks for notating that I did post this in the DUCK forum. I did this, because this is where the discussion had started, even though this post does indeed relate to ALL poultry that people may be raising, because people do things differently, and this thread is intended to "catch" all the...
  6. GardenJen77

    Feed Question: Do you take away the poultry's feed at night? Why or why not?

    I find that I have mice/bugs/varmints regardless of the "food" I have tons of field mice who love the warmth of the coop, but the feed is where they can't get it. The varmints I have had trouble with, are after the eggs. And the bugs....well. they just are. LOL
  7. GardenJen77

    Feed Question: Do you take away the poultry's feed at night? Why or why not?

    Same for me on the water. My chickens hate the snow and won't go out, so the water is in the coop at that time.
  8. GardenJen77

    Feed Question: Do you take away the poultry's feed at night? Why or why not?

    A question came up on another thread, and got a little heated, due to my background with rescuing animals who were starved of food. So I am asking here, for clarity for all, and for others to chime in with their "expertise." Do you remove the food from your flocks at night? Why? I have been...
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