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  1. Marshaharrell

    Cockerels - now what do I do?

    He doesn't seem to be chasing to hurt or kill. It's like he sees him and remembers, "Hey, I'm the rooster here!" We had moved Henry to his own yard for a bit with his own hens(6) that had never been with Bingo. Then we wanted to put our Super Blues in that yard a few weeks later, so we moved...
  2. Marshaharrell

    Cockerels - now what do I do?

    We have two roosters and the older one chases the younger one constantly. The younger one is his son, hatched and raised in the same yard. We have 10 adult hens in that yard and 5 16 week old pullets, but Bingo will NOT share. Basically, Henry stays behind our smaller, chick coop most of the...
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