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  1. Bettyboop7499

    I'm Addicted to Making Decor for my Coop!!

    You know I never thought of Pinterest as people trying to sell their items..I just thought of it as a 'bragging board' of sorts. You pull ideas off of it for when YOU make the sign or chandelier or paint your house or whatever...
  2. Bettyboop7499

    I'm Addicted to Making Decor for my Coop!!

    I like how you've created like their own little chicken town or so cute..
  3. Bettyboop7499

    I'm Addicted to Making Decor for my Coop!!

    Really!? I love Pinterest for the simple fact that it is a show case for us "unprofessionals" there are so many creative people and they really great ideas that help others come up with their own twist...but I guess that's coming from an untrained eye! And not a very creative one either!
  4. Bettyboop7499

    I'm Addicted to Making Decor for my Coop!!

    haha! 'Cal-egg-fornia' So cute! I can't imagine trying to name all my chicks..They look so much alike! I do have names for my first ones- Lizzy, Mr. Rooster and Betty 1-4... not very creative! Betty was my first Barred Rock chick that would greet me as soon as I came to the brooder-very curious...
  5. Bettyboop7499

    I'm Addicted to Making Decor for my Coop!!

    Really cute stuff! Is that a working chandelier? Very cute!
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